blob: 50ffd090743febeae49cf9061418fa504262fc99 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
mod arguments;
mod audio;
mod control;
use std::error;
use std::fmt;
use crate::arguments::Command;
use crate::audio::{capture, playback};
use crate::control::control;
pub enum Error {
impl error::Error for Error {}
impl fmt::Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
use Error::*;
match self {
Audio(e) => e.fmt(f),
ParseArgs(e) => write!(f, "Failed to parse arguments: {}", e),
Control(e) => e.fmt(f),
type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
fn run() -> Result<()> {
let args: Vec<String> = std::env::args().collect();
let command = match Command::parse(&args).map_err(Error::ParseArgs)? {
None => return Ok(()),
Some(v) => v,
match command {
Command::Capture(audio_opts) => capture(audio_opts).map_err(Error::Audio),
Command::Control(command) => control(command).map_err(Error::Control),
Command::Playback(audio_opts) => playback(audio_opts).map_err(Error::Audio),
fn main() {
// Use run() instead of returning a Result from main() so that we can print
// errors using Display instead of Debug.
if let Err(e) = run() {
eprintln!("{}", e);