sound_card_init: `DSM` uses celsius as the unit of temperature

To make `DSM` more readable and maintainable, we:

1. Uses celsius as the unit of temperature in `DSM` as it's more easy
   to understand.
2. Allow each amps to define the conversion between celsius and
   the unit in VPD::dsm_calib_temp in `DSM`. Max98390 uses its dsm unit
   for VPD::dsm_calib_temp and needs to convert it to celsius
   to communicate with `DSM` struct.
3. Replace rdc_diff with rdc_to_ohm as compute the rdc difference in
   real DC resistence is more general.

TEST=/sbin/initctl start sound_card_init SOUND_CARD_ID=sofcmlmax98390d

Change-Id: I8dbcc44b365192657f382ae8a43e091354f2e4cf
Tested-by: Judy Hsiao <>
Reviewed-by: Chih-Yang Hsia <>
Commit-Queue: Judy Hsiao <>
3 files changed