Clang cl (#762)

* Added c++17 test configurations for clang5.0 and clang6.0

* Fix #739 correct cppcorecheck warnings for clang-cl

* Add clang-cl  configurations

* Corrections Appveyor;
Temporarily disable msvc compilation for faster testing (#741)

* Add path to clang-cl.exe (#741)

* Escape backslash in path (#741)

* Update vcpkg (#741)

* Check vcpkg version; try without building vcpkg; use latest clang-cl from path (#741)

* Fix blocks in ps script (#741)

* Try accessing APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER variable (#471)

* Update span size() bug confirmation test for GCC 6.5 (#741)

* MSVC flags to Clang-cl; disable c++98-compat and undefined macro warnings (#741)

* Suppress clang warning on tests (missing-prototypes) (#741)

* Fix clang warning -Wnewline-eof (#741)

* Fix clang warning -Wdouble-promotion (#741)

* Set linker explicitly

* Clean condition statement

* For Clang, fallback to the AppVeyor installed version of CMake

* Fix clang warning -Wmissing-variable-declarations

* Fallback to the MSVC linker until vcpkg has been updated

* Revert "Fallback to the MSVC linker until vcpkg has been updated"

This reverts commit 7263f3289e6e835c32fc7800d0c2d4e58bd21178.

* Fix clang warning -Wunused-member-function

* Fix clang warning -Wmissing-noreturn

* Fix clang warning -Winvalid-noreturn on Windows

* Add macro block end comment on large #if blocks

* Workaround: fallback to mscv link.exe

* Workaround: get msvc paths into PowerShell through intermediate file

* Workaround: fix, remove "PATH=" from text

* Workaround: try with full-path; and return user PATH

* Workaround: fix, escape backslashes

* Revert all since "Workaround: fallback to mscv link.exe" did not work on AppVeyor

This reverts the commits:

* Suppress output of git pull; remove vcpkg from cache

* Re-enable AppVeyor builds for all platforms

* Correct typo

Co-Authored-By: Farwaykorse <>

* Add Clang-cl 7.0.0 to the supported platforms

* Revert "Fix clang warning -Wunused-member-function"

This reverts commit 6fe1a4203501145ab4350b9152ecc11f3a30e49a.

* Fix or locally suppress clang warning -Wunused-member-function

* format touched code and correct comment

* git pull --quiet

* fix logic error in workaround

* fix missing bracket

* Suppress output of mkdir

* Replace MSBuild with Ninja

* Suppress output of 7z

* Add architecture flags for Clang

* Drop workaround for lld-link

* 7-zip Overwrite and Alternative output suppression without suppressing errors

Replaces 3c1c0794dd9a29908cc7c38f591bd3c7b4929677

* AppVeyor setup and CMake before build

* reorder compiler configuration

* remove unnecessary

* remove -fno-strict-aliasing

* remove -Wsign-conversion, since before v4.0 part of -Wconversion

* -Wctor-dtor-privacy is GCC only

* remove -Woverloaded-virtual part of -Wmost, part of -Wall

* add -Wmissing-noreturn

* remove the pragmas for -Wunused-member-function

* Re-add MSBuild generator on AppVeyor

* Print CMake commands

* Add MSBuild toolset selection

* Separate Architecture setting

* clang-cl: add -Weverything

* clang-cl -Wno-c++98-compat

* clang-cl -Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic

* clang-cl -Wno-missing-prototypes

* clang-cl C++14 -Wno-unused-member-function

* clang-cl -Wundef __GNUC__

* clang++: add -Weverything

* clang++ -Wno-c++98-compat

* clang++ -Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic

* clang++ -Wno-missing-prototypes

* clang++ -Wno-weak-vtables

* clang++ C++14 -Wno-unused-member-function

* clang++ fix -Wundef _MSC_VER

* clang++ -Wno-padded

* clang++ solve -Wdeprecated

* Add AppleClang compiler target
Since CMake v3.0 use of Clang for both is deprecated

* clang++ v5.0 C++17 -Wno-undefined-func-template

* Add VS2015 + LLVM/clang-cl to AppVeyor

* Do not disable constexpr when compiling with clang-cl on Windows

* Clean-up clang-only warnings (now under -Weverything)

* Revert "Fix clang warning -Winvalid-noreturn on Windows"

This reverts commit 2238c4760e86feebb2a18620b77312bd01055f61.

* Suppress -Winvalid-noreturn for the MS STL noexception workaround

* CMake: put preprocessor definition in target_compile_definitions

* Solve compiler warning C4668: __GNUC__ not defined
17 files changed
tree: a755048982e8389bf9c8610b15ae157f172958f0
  1. include/
  2. tests/
  3. .clang-format
  4. .gitignore
  5. .travis.yml
  6. appveyor.yml
  7. CMakeLists.txt
  8. CMakeSettings.json
  10. GSL.natvis
  13. ThirdPartyNotices.txt

GSL: Guidelines Support Library Build Status Build status

The Guidelines Support Library (GSL) contains functions and types that are suggested for use by the C++ Core Guidelines maintained by the Standard C++ Foundation. This repo contains Microsoft's implementation of GSL.

The library includes types like span<T>, string_span, owner<> and others.

The entire implementation is provided inline in the headers under the gsl directory. The implementation generally assumes a platform that implements C++14 support. There are specific workarounds to support MSVC 2015.

While some types have been broken out into their own headers (e.g. gsl/span), it is simplest to just include gsl/gsl and gain access to the entire library.

NOTE: We encourage contributions that improve or refine any of the types in this library as well as ports to other platforms. Please see for more information about contributing.

Project Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.

Usage of Third Party Libraries

This project makes use of the Catch testing library. Please see the ThirdPartyNotices.txt file for details regarding the licensing of Catch.

Quick Start

Supported Platforms

The test suite that exercises GSL has been built and passes successfully on the following platforms:1)

  • Windows using Visual Studio 2015
  • Windows using Visual Studio 2017
  • Windows using Clang/LLVM 3.6
  • Windows using Clang/LLVM 7.0.0
  • Windows using GCC 5.1
  • Windows using Intel C++ Compiler 18.0
  • GNU/Linux using Clang/LLVM 3.6
  • GNU/Linux using GCC 5.1
  • OS X Yosemite using Xcode with Apple Clang
  • OS X Yosemite using GCC-5.2.0
  • OS X Sierra 10.12.4 using Apple LLVM version 8.1.0 (Clang-802.0.42)
  • OS X El Capitan (10.11) using Xcode with AppleClang
  • OS X High Sierra 10.13.2 (17C88) using Apple LLVM version 9.0.0 (clang-900.0.39.2)
  • FreeBSD 10.x with Clang/LLVM 3.6

If you successfully port GSL to another platform, we would love to hear from you. Please submit an issue to let us know. Also please consider contributing any changes that were necessary back to this project to benefit the wider community.

1) For gsl::byte to work correctly with Clang and GCC you might have to use the -fno-strict-aliasing compiler option.

Building the tests

To build the tests, you will require the following:

  • CMake, version 3.1.3 or later to be installed and in your PATH.

These steps assume the source code of this repository has been cloned into a directory named c:\GSL.

  1. Create a directory to contain the build outputs for a particular architecture (we name it c:\GSL\build-x86 in this example).

     cd GSL
     md build-x86
     cd build-x86
  2. Configure CMake to use the compiler of your choice (you can see a list by running cmake --help).

     cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015" c:\GSL
  3. Build the test suite (in this case, in the Debug configuration, Release is another good choice).

     cmake --build . --config Debug
  4. Run the test suite.

     ctest -C Debug

All tests should pass - indicating your platform is fully supported and you are ready to use the GSL types!

Using the libraries

As the types are entirely implemented inline in headers, there are no linking requirements.

You can copy the gsl directory into your source tree so it is available to your compiler, then include the appropriate headers in your program.

Alternatively set your compiler's include path flag to point to the GSL development folder (c:\GSL\include in the example above) or installation folder (after running the install). Eg.


/I c:\GSL\include



Include the library using:

#include <gsl/gsl>

Debugging visualization support

For Visual Studio users, the file GSL.natvis in the root directory of the repository can be added to your project if you would like more helpful visualization of GSL types in the Visual Studio debugger than would be offered by default.