blob: fbb14b693d179f91ca26e6a5958dad42ac663d09 [file] [log] [blame]
[ "Compute Library", "index.xhtml", [
[ "Introduction", "index.xhtml", [
[ "Contact / Support", "index.xhtml#S0_1_contact", null ],
[ "File organisation", "index.xhtml#S1_file_organisation", null ],
[ "Release versions and changelog", "index.xhtml#S2_versions_changelog", [
[ "Release versions", "index.xhtml#S2_1_versions", null ],
[ "Changelog", "index.xhtml#S2_2_changelog", null ]
] ],
[ "How to build the library and the examples", "index.xhtml#S3_how_to_build", [
[ "Build options", "index.xhtml#S3_1_build_options", null ],
[ "Linux", "index.xhtml#S3_2_linux", [
[ "How to build the library ?", "index.xhtml#S3_2_1_library", null ],
[ "How to manually build the examples ?", "index.xhtml#S3_2_2_examples", null ]
] ],
[ "Android", "index.xhtml#S3_3_android", [
[ "How to build the library ?", "index.xhtml#S3_3_1_library", null ],
[ "How to manually build the examples ?", "index.xhtml#S3_3_2_examples", null ]
] ],
[ "The OpenCL stub library", "index.xhtml#S3_4_cl_stub_library", null ]
] ]
] ],
[ "Library architecture", "architecture.xhtml", [
[ "Core vs Runtime libraries", "architecture.xhtml#S4_1", null ],
[ "Windows, kernels, multi-threading and functions", "architecture.xhtml#S4_2_windows_kernels_mt_functions", [
[ "Windows", "architecture.xhtml#S4_2_1_windows", null ],
[ "Kernels", "architecture.xhtml#S4_2_2", null ],
[ "Multi-threading", "architecture.xhtml#S4_2_3", null ],
[ "Functions", "architecture.xhtml#S4_2_4", null ],
[ "OpenCL Scheduler and kernel library", "architecture.xhtml#S4_4_1_cl_scheduler", null ],
[ "OpenCL events and synchronization", "architecture.xhtml#S4_4_2_events_sync", null ],
[ "OpenCL / NEON interoperability", "architecture.xhtml#S4_4_2_cl_neon", null ]
] ],
[ "Algorithms", "architecture.xhtml#S4_5_algorithms", null ],
[ "Images, padding, border modes and tensors", "architecture.xhtml#S4_6_images_tensors", [
[ "Padding and border modes", "architecture.xhtml#S4_6_1_padding_and_border", [
[ "Padding", "architecture.xhtml#padding", null ],
[ "Valid regions", "architecture.xhtml#valid_region", null ]
] ],
[ "Tensors", "architecture.xhtml#S4_6_2_tensors", null ],
[ "Images and Tensors description conventions", "architecture.xhtml#S4_6_3_description_conventions", null ],
[ "Working with Images and Tensors using iterators", "architecture.xhtml#S4_6_4_working_with_objects", null ]
] ]
] ],
[ "Validation and benchmarks tests", "tests.xhtml", [
[ "Building dependencies", "tests.xhtml#building_test_dependencies", [
[ "Building Boost", "tests.xhtml#building_boost", null ],
[ "Building Google Benchmark", "tests.xhtml#building_google_benchmark", null ]
] ],
[ "Running tests", "tests.xhtml#tests_running_tests", [
[ "Benchmarking", "tests.xhtml#tests_running_tests_benchmarking", [
[ "Filter tests", "tests.xhtml#tests_running_tests_benchmarking_filter", null ],
[ "Runtime", "tests.xhtml#tests_running_tests_benchmarking_runtime", null ],
[ "Verbosity", "tests.xhtml#tests_running_tests_benchmarking_verbosity", null ]
] ],
[ "Validation", "tests.xhtml#tests_running_tests_validation", [
[ "Filter tests", "tests.xhtml#tests_running_tests_validation_filter", null ],
[ "Verbosity", "tests.xhtml#tests_running_tests_validation_verbosity", null ]
] ]
] ]
] ],
[ "Namespaces", null, [
[ "Namespace List", "namespaces.xhtml", "namespaces" ],
[ "Namespace Members", "namespacemembers.xhtml", [
[ "All", "namespacemembers.xhtml", "namespacemembers_dup" ],
[ "Functions", "namespacemembers_func.xhtml", "namespacemembers_func" ],
[ "Variables", "namespacemembers_vars.xhtml", null ],
[ "Typedefs", "namespacemembers_type.xhtml", null ],
[ "Enumerations", "namespacemembers_enum.xhtml", null ]
] ]
] ],
[ "Data Structures", "annotated.xhtml", [
[ "Data Structures", "annotated.xhtml", "annotated_dup" ],
[ "Data Structure Index", "classes.xhtml", null ],
[ "Class Hierarchy", "hierarchy.xhtml", "hierarchy" ],
[ "Data Fields", "functions.xhtml", [
[ "All", "functions.xhtml", "functions_dup" ],
[ "Functions", "functions_func.xhtml", "functions_func" ],
[ "Variables", "functions_vars.xhtml", null ],
[ "Typedefs", "functions_type.xhtml", null ],
[ "Enumerations", "functions_enum.xhtml", null ],
[ "Enumerator", "functions_eval.xhtml", null ],
[ "Related Functions", "functions_rela.xhtml", null ]
] ]
] ],
[ "Files", null, [
[ "File List", "files.xhtml", "files" ],
[ "Globals", "globals.xhtml", [
[ "All", "globals.xhtml", "globals_dup" ],
[ "Functions", "globals_func.xhtml", "globals_func" ],
[ "Variables", "globals_vars.xhtml", null ],
[ "Typedefs", "globals_type.xhtml", null ],
[ "Macros", "globals_defs.xhtml", null ]
] ]
] ]
] ]
var SYNCONMSG = 'click to disable panel synchronisation';
var SYNCOFFMSG = 'click to enable panel synchronisation';