
Clone this repo:
  1. 66faaa4 Wait for playback to end by Martin Fietz · 9 years ago main master mirror-goog-studio-master-dev studio-master-dev gradle_2.3.0 gradle_3.0.0 gradle_3.1.2 gradle_3.4.0 studio-2.3 studio-3.0 studio-3.1.2 studio-3.2.1 studio-3.4.0
  2. 82935f4 v1.0.11 by Martin Fietz · 9 years ago
  3. 0d779ad Actually use "result" of findPitchPeriodInRange() by Martin Fietz · 9 years ago
  4. 225ecc3 Performance optimization: System.arraycopy instead of manual copying array contents by Martin Fietz · 9 years ago
  5. afb7e7c Catch everything that could go wrong (to fallback to native Android mediaplayer) by Martin Fietz · 9 years ago


This is the repository for library code separated from the main repository for licensing compliance.


All code in this repository is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You can find the license text in the LICENSE file.

Local testing


include ':aap'
project(':aap').projectDir = new File('../AntennaPod-AudioPlayer/library')

app/build.gradle and core/build.gradle

Edit both AntennaPod/app/build.gradle and AntennaPod/core/build.gradle

dependencies { .... compile project(":aap") }