blob: 762415af1446350845ec4a005446057506533c48 [file] [log] [blame]
#define NUMINPUTS 500
#define MAX_PROGRAM_LENGTH 20000
#define MAX_TERMINAL_NUMS 5000
#include "gramfuzz.h"
// represents an edge in the FSA
struct terminal_meta {
int state_name;
int trigger_idx;
int dest;
// represents a set of edges
struct terminal_arr {
struct terminal_meta *start;
size_t len;
// essentially a string array
struct symbols_arr {
char **symbols_arr;
size_t len;
struct symbols_arr *symbols; // symbols contain all the symbols in the language
map_t pda_map; // a map that maps each symbol in the language to a set of edges
struct symbols_arr
* first_chars; // an array of first characters, only temperary array
map_t first_char_to_symbols_map; // a map that maps each first character to a
// set of symbols (the symbols are sorted in
// descending order)
// freeing terminal arrays
int free_terminal_arr(any_t placeholder, any_t item);
// return a map that maps each symbol in the language to a set of edges
// populate symbols_arr with all the symbols in the language
map_t create_pda_hashmap(state *pda, struct symbols_arr *symbols_arr);
// print the string array
void print_symbols_arr(struct symbols_arr *arr);
// free hashmap
// the function pointer contains function to free the values in the hashmap
void free_hashmap(map_t m, int (*f)(any_t, any_t));
// free string array
int free_array_of_chars(any_t placeholder, any_t item);
// free the pda
void free_pda(state *pda);
// create a string array
struct symbols_arr *create_array_of_chars();
map_t create_first_char_to_symbols_hashmap(struct symbols_arr *symbols,
struct symbols_arr *first_chars);
// return the automaton represented by the seed
Array *automaton_parser(const uint8_t *seed_fn);
int add_element_to_symbols_arr(struct symbols_arr *symbols_arr, char *symbol,
size_t symbol_len);