Frequently asked questions about afl++


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What is the difference between afl and afl++?

American Fuzzy Lop (AFL) was developed by MichaƂ “lcamtuf” Zalewski starting in 2013/2014, and when he left Google end of 2017 he stopped developing it.

At the end of 2019 the Google fuzzing team took over maintance of AFL, however it is only accepting PR from the community and is not developing enhancements anymore.

In the second quarter of 2019, 1 1/2 years after no further development of AFL had happened and it became clear there would be none coming, afl++ was born, where initially first community patches were collected and applied for bugs and enhancements. Then from various AFL spin-offs - mostly academic research - features were integrated. This already resulted in a much advanced AFL.

Until the end of 2019 the afl++ team had grown to four active developers which then implemented their own research and feature, making it now by far the most flexible and feature rich guided fuzzer available as open source. And in independent fuzzing benchmarks it is one of the best fuzzers available, e.g. Fuzzbench Report

How to improve the fuzzing speed

  1. use llvm_mode: afl-clang-lto (llvm >= 11) or afl-clang-fast (llvm >= 9 recommended)
  2. Use persistent mode (x2-x20 speed increase)
  3. Use the afl++ snapshot module (x2 speed increase)
  4. If you do not use shmem persistent mode, use AFL_TMPDIR to point the input file on a tempfs location, see docs/
  5. Improve kernel performance: modify /etc/default/grub, set GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="ibpb=off ibrs=off kpti=off l1tf=off mds=off mitigations=off no_stf_barrier noibpb noibrs nopcid nopti nospec_store_bypass_disable nospectre_v1 nospectre_v2 pcid=off pti=off spec_store_bypass_disable=off spectre_v2=off stf_barrier=off"; then update-grub and reboot (warning: makes the system more insecure)
  6. Running on an ext2 filesystem with noatime mount option will be a bit faster than on any other journaling filesystem
  7. Use your cores! Using multiple cores/threads

How do I fuzz a network service?

The short answer is - you cannot, at least “out of the box”.

Using network has a slow-down of x10-20 on the fuzzing speed, does not scale, and finally usually it is more than one initial data packet but a back-and-forth which is totally unsupported by most coverage aware fuzzers.

The established method to fuzz network services is to modify the source code to read from a file or stdin (fd 0) (or even faster via shared memory, combine this with persistent mode llvm_mode/ and you have a performance gain of x10 instead of a performance loss of over x10 - that is a x100 difference!

If modifying the source is not an option (e.g. because you only have a binary and perform binary fuzzing) you can also use a shared library with AFL_PRELOAD to emulate the network. This is also much faster than network would be. See examples/socket_fuzzing/

There is an outdated afl++ branch that implements networking if you are desperate though: - however a better option is AFLnet ( which allows you to define network state with different type of data packets.

How do I fuzz a GUI program?

If the GUI program can read the fuzz data from a file (via the command line, a fixed location or via an environment variable) without needing any user interaction then then yes.

Otherwise it is not possible without modifying the source code - which is a very good idea anyway as the GUI functionality is a huge CPU/time overhead for the fuzzing.

So create a new main() that just reads the test case and calls the functionality for processing the input that the GUI program is using.

What is an “edge”

A program contains functions, functions contain the compiled machine code. The compiled machine code in a function can be in a single or many basic blocks. A basic block is the largest possible number of subsequent machine code instructions that runs independent, meaning it does not split up to different locations nor is it jumped into it from a different location:

function() {
    if (x) goto C; else goto D;
    some code
    goto D
    some code
    goto B

Every code block between two jump locations is a basic block.

An edge is then the unique relationship between two basic blocks (from the code example above):

              Block A
              Block B  <------+
             /        \       |
            v          v      |
         Block C    Block D --+
              Block E

Every line between two blocks is an edge.

Why is my stability below 100%

Stability is measured by how many percent of the edges in the target are “stable”. Sending the same input again and again should take the exact same path through the target every time. If that is the case, the stability is 100%.

If however randomness happens, e.g. a thread reading other external data, reaction to timing, etc. then in some of the re-executions with the same data the result in the edge information will be different accross runs. Those edges that change are then flagged “unstable”.

The more “unstable” edges, the more difficult for afl++ to identify valid new paths.

A value above 90% is usually fine and a value above 80% is also still ok, and even above 20% can still result in successful finds of bugs. However, it is recommended that below 90% or 80% you should take measures to improve the stability.

How can I improve the stability value

For fuzzing a 100% stable target that covers all edges is the best. A 90% stable target that covers all edges is however better than a 100% stable target that ignores 10% of the edges.

With instability you basically have a partial coverage loss on an edge, with ignore you have a full loss on that edge.

There are functions that are unstable, but also provide value to coverage, eg init functions that use fuzz data as input for example. If however it is a function that has nothing to do with the input data is the source, e.g. checking jitter, or is a hash map function etc. then it should not be instrumented.

To be able to make this decision the following process will allow you to identify the functions with variable edges so you can make this decision.

Four steps are required to do this and requires quite some knowledge of coding and/or disassembly and it is only effectively possible with afl-clang-fast PCGUARD and afl-clang-lto LTO instrumentation.

  1. First step: Identify which edge ID numbers are unstable

    run the target with export AFL_DEBUG=1 for a few minutes then terminate. The out/fuzzer_stats file will then show the edge IDs that were identified as unstable.

  2. Second step: Find the responsible function.

    a) For LTO instrumented binaries this can be documented during compile time, just set export AFL_LLVM_DOCUMENT_IDS=/path/to/a/file. This file will have one assigned edge ID and the corresponding function per line.

    b) For PCGUARD instrumented binaries it is much more difficult. Here you can either modify the __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc_guard function in llvm_mode/afl-llvm-rt.o.c to write a backtrace to a file if the ID in __afl_area_ptr[*guard] is one of the unstable edge IDs. (Example code is already there). Then recompile and reinstall llvm_mode and rebuild your target. Run the recompiled target with afl-fuzz for a while and then check the file that you wrote with the backtrace information. Alternatively you can use gdb to hook __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc_guard_init on start, check to which memory address the edge ID value is written and set a write breakpoint to that address (watch 0x.....).

    c) in all other instrumentation types this is not possible. So just recompile with the the two mentioned above. This is just for identifying the functions that have unstable edges.

  3. Third step: create a text file with the filenames/functions

    Identify which source code files contain the functions that you need to remove from instrumentation, or just specify the functions you want to skip instrumenting. Note that optimization might inline functions!

    Simply follow this document on how to do this: llvm_mode/ If PCGUARD is used, then you need to follow this guide (needs llvm 12+!):

    Only deny those functions from instrumentation that provide no value for coverage - that is if it does not process any fuzz data directly or indirectly (e.g. hash maps, thread management etc.). If however a function directly or indirectly handles fuzz data then you should not put the function in a deny instrumentation list and rather live with the instability it comes with.

  4. Fourth step: recompile the target

    Recompile, fuzz it, be happy :)

    This link explains this process for Fuzzbench