Building and installing AFL++

An easy way to install AFL++ with everything compiled is available via docker: You can use the Dockerfile (which has gcc-10 and clang-11 - hence afl-clang-lto is available!) or just pull directly from the docker hub:

docker pull aflplusplus/aflplusplus
docker run -ti -v /location/of/your/target:/src aflplusplus/aflplusplus

This image is automatically generated when a push to the stable repo happens. You will find your target source code in /src in the container.

If you want to build AFL++ yourself you have many options. The easiest choice is to build and install everything:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential python3-dev automake git flex bison libglib2.0-dev libpixman-1-dev python3-setuptools
# try to install llvm 11 and install the distro default if that fails
sudo apt-get install -y lld-11 llvm-11 llvm-11-dev clang-11 || sudo apt-get install -y lld llvm llvm-dev clang 
sudo apt-get install -y gcc-$(gcc --version|head -n1|sed 's/.* //'|sed 's/\..*//')-plugin-dev libstdc++-$(gcc --version|head -n1|sed 's/.* //'|sed 's/\..*//')-dev
git clone
cd AFLplusplus
make distrib
sudo make install

It is recommended to install the newest available gcc, clang and llvm-dev possible in your distribution!

Note that “make distrib” also builds instrumentation, qemu_mode, unicorn_mode and more. If you just want plain AFL++ then do “make all”, however compiling and using at least instrumentation is highly recommended for much better results - hence in this case

make source-only

is what you should choose.

These build targets exist:

  • all: just the main AFL++ binaries
  • binary-only: everything for binary-only fuzzing: qemu_mode, unicorn_mode, libdislocator, libtokencap
  • source-only: everything for source code fuzzing: instrumentation, libdislocator, libtokencap
  • distrib: everything (for both binary-only and source code fuzzing)
  • man: creates simple man pages from the help option of the programs
  • install: installs everything you have compiled with the build options above
  • clean: cleans everything compiled, not downloads (unless not on a checkout)
  • deepclean: cleans everything including downloads
  • code-format: format the code, do this before you commit and send a PR please!
  • tests: runs test cases to ensure that all features are still working as they should
  • unit: perform unit tests (based on cmocka)
  • help: shows these build options

Unless you are on Mac OS X you can also build statically linked versions of the AFL++ binaries by passing the STATIC=1 argument to make:

make STATIC=1

These build options exist:

  • STATIC - compile AFL++ static
  • ASAN_BUILD - compiles with memory sanitizer for debug purposes
  • DEBUG - no optimization, -ggdb3, all warnings and -Werror
  • PROFILING - compile with profiling information (gprof)
  • INTROSPECTION - compile afl-fuzz with mutation introspection
  • NO_PYTHON - disable python support
  • NO_SPLICING - disables splicing mutation in afl-fuzz, not recommended for normal fuzzing
  • AFL_NO_X86 - if compiling on non-intel/amd platforms
  • LLVM_CONFIG - if your distro doesn't use the standard name for llvm-config (e.g. Debian)

e.g.: make ASAN_BUILD=1