blob: fb38c364d46b22e6b2eaa7671194105fedd49201 [file] [log] [blame]
# How to use:
# From directory {root}/docs/ run:
# $ ./ <server number>
# For example, to build and stage on staging instance 13, run:
# $ ./ 13
echo 'Please run this script from the docs/ directory ' \
' branch/docs/'
echo ' '
# Read the configuration file to retrieve the App Engine staging - AE_STAGING - value
source /etc/profile.d/
# Go up three directories to build content
cd ../../..
# Delete old output
rm -rf out/target/common/docs/online-sac*
# Initialize the environment
source build/
# Make the docs
make online-sac-docs
# Go to the output directory to stage content
cd out/target/common/docs
# Edit the app.yaml file to upload to the specified server.
sed 's/staging[0-9]*$/staging'$1'/' online-sac/app.yaml > .temp
# Copy in new app.yaml content
cp .temp online-sac/app.yaml
rm .temp
# Stage the data on the server.
$AE_STAGING update online-sac
echo 'Your staged content is available at staging instance '$1''