ndk: separate functions and variables symbol lists

This change introduces separate symbol lists for functions
and variables of each NDK system shared library.

Note that we don't remove the unified symbol files yet. This
will be done later when we complete other changes under ndk/,
namely the ability to generate platforms trees containing shell
libraries generated directly from them.

These files were generated using the following:

  cd development/ndk
  for DIR in platforms/*/*/lib; do
    for ARCH in arm x86; do
      $NDK/build/tools/gen-system-symbols $DIR $DIR/../symbols

This means that the symbol lists were generated by parsing the
existing prebuilt shared libraries under platforms/ and extracting
their function and variable names.

Change-Id: Ie1e791d98260a7f0d8d2e9f71323a7ea448f2dd4
58 files changed