blob: ae954630f50754894a8eea1c4bd857d3ee2a298e [file] [log] [blame]
The following is taken from slide 3 & 4 of
The spec doc is at
Building and Running
Debugger server is linked into EGL, code is in framework/base/opengl/libs/GLES2_dbg and already included in latest master builds, no action needed.
Use development/tools/glesv2debugger/ to build and copy the jars: libprotobuf-java-2.3.0-lite, liblzf, sdklib into development/tools/glesv2debugger/lib
Install Eclipse SDK for Eclipse: Eclipse->Help->Install New Software. Select "All Available Sites" in the "Work with:" drop down, then find "Eclipse SDK". (If Eclipse reports dependency conflicts, try install updates first)
Debugger client is an Eclipse plug-in, code is at development/tools/glesv2debugger, built in Eclipse
Optional: build glsl_compiler and copy to plug-in working directory; this is used for shader syntax check
"Attaching" to a Process
adb shell setprop debug.egl.debug_proc <process name> before running process. ie:
EGL checks /proc/<proc_id>/cmdline for match during init and sets debug functions in eglMakeCurrent
EGL will bind to socket and wait for incoming connection, so need to adb forward tcp:5039 tcp:5039. Port can be overridden by adb shell setprop debug.egl.debug_port <port>
If create socket failed, EGL will try to open /data/local/tmp/dump.gles2dbg for write, and exit when 8MB is written. The relevant properties are ...debug_forceUseFile, ...debug_maxFileSize, and ...debug_filePath
Now manually start the process on device; on host, open development/tools/glesv2debugger/.project and run/debug as Eclipse application, then Window->Show View->Other->Debug->OpenGL ES 2.0 Debugger, then Connect or Open File