blob: 7acbe8a783126941e11f6c2119331d4d4fd17c4e [file] [log] [blame]
*** This header was automatically generated from a Linux kernel header
*** of the same name, to make information necessary for userspace to
*** call into the kernel available to libc. It contains only constants,
*** structures, and macros generated from the original header, and thus,
*** contains no copyrightable information.
#ifndef __ASM_MPSPEC_H
#define __ASM_MPSPEC_H
#include <linux/cpumask.h>
#include <asm/mpspec_def.h>
#include <mach_mpspec.h>
struct physid_mask
unsigned long mask[PHYSID_ARRAY_SIZE];
typedef struct physid_mask physid_mask_t;
#define physid_set(physid, map) set_bit(physid, (map).mask)
#define physid_clear(physid, map) clear_bit(physid, (map).mask)
#define physid_isset(physid, map) test_bit(physid, (map).mask)
#define physid_test_and_set(physid, map) test_and_set_bit(physid, (map).mask)
#define physids_and(dst, src1, src2) bitmap_and((dst).mask, (src1).mask, (src2).mask, MAX_APICS)
#define physids_or(dst, src1, src2) bitmap_or((dst).mask, (src1).mask, (src2).mask, MAX_APICS)
#define physids_clear(map) bitmap_zero((map).mask, MAX_APICS)
#define physids_complement(dst, src) bitmap_complement((dst).mask,(src).mask, MAX_APICS)
#define physids_empty(map) bitmap_empty((map).mask, MAX_APICS)
#define physids_equal(map1, map2) bitmap_equal((map1).mask, (map2).mask, MAX_APICS)
#define physids_weight(map) bitmap_weight((map).mask, MAX_APICS)
#define physids_shift_right(d, s, n) bitmap_shift_right((d).mask, (s).mask, n, MAX_APICS)
#define physids_shift_left(d, s, n) bitmap_shift_left((d).mask, (s).mask, n, MAX_APICS)
#define physids_coerce(map) ((map).mask[0])
#define physids_promote(physids) ({ physid_mask_t __physid_mask = PHYSID_MASK_NONE; __physid_mask.mask[0] = physids; __physid_mask; })
#define physid_mask_of_physid(physid) ({ physid_mask_t __physid_mask = PHYSID_MASK_NONE; physid_set(physid, __physid_mask); __physid_mask; })
#define PHYSID_MASK_ALL { {[0 ... PHYSID_ARRAY_SIZE-1] = ~0UL} }
#define PHYSID_MASK_NONE { {[0 ... PHYSID_ARRAY_SIZE-1] = 0UL} }