do not merge: cherry-picked Change-Id: I094dbc4ffa42771a13dfb796761546093649481c from master branch

Change-Id: I21f83b96afc5c3a00a6570e8284adc23191b6dd2
diff --git a/cmds/monkey/src/com/android/commands/monkey/ b/cmds/monkey/src/com/android/commands/monkey/
index a9a0609..4748a25 100644
--- a/cmds/monkey/src/com/android/commands/monkey/
+++ b/cmds/monkey/src/com/android/commands/monkey/
@@ -492,14 +492,26 @@
             String cl_name = "";
             long deviceSleepTime = mDeviceSleepTime;
+            //Start the wakeUpScreen test activity to turn off the screen.
             ComponentName mApp = new ComponentName(pkg_name, cl_name);
-            MonkeyActivityEvent e1 = new MonkeyActivityEvent(mApp, deviceSleepTime);
-            mQ.addLast(e1);
+            mQ.addLast(new MonkeyActivityEvent(mApp, deviceSleepTime));
+            //inject the special key for the wakeUpScreen test activity.
+            mQ.addLast(new MonkeyKeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_0));
+            mQ.addLast(new MonkeyKeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_0));
             //Add the wait event after the device sleep event so that the monkey
             //can continue after the device wake up.
-            MonkeyWaitEvent e2 = new MonkeyWaitEvent(deviceSleepTime + 3000);
-            mQ.addLast(e2);
+            mQ.addLast(new MonkeyWaitEvent(deviceSleepTime + 3000));
+            //Insert the menu key to unlock the screen
+            mQ.addLast(new MonkeyKeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU));
+            mQ.addLast(new MonkeyKeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU));
+            //Insert the back key to dismiss the test activity
+            mQ.addLast(new MonkeyKeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK));
+            mQ.addLast(new MonkeyKeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK));