docs: fix broken links

Change-Id: I084fd76b33e5b38ad4fbff07c31b492a75bb547b
diff --git a/samples/HoneycombGallery/_index.html b/samples/HoneycombGallery/_index.html
index 5566fb5..9b4169e 100644
--- a/samples/HoneycombGallery/_index.html
+++ b/samples/HoneycombGallery/_index.html
@@ -37,15 +37,6 @@
       MainActivity also contains code demonstrating how to animate
       showing/hiding fragments (in this case, the TitlesFragment) and the
       ActionBar, demonstrating how to smoothly transition between states
-      in your application.</li>
-  <li><a href="src/com/example/android/hcgallery/widget/WidgetProvider.html">WidgetProvider</a>
-      The WidgetProvider class is an implementation of the AppWidgetProvider
-      class, which is a view that can be embedded in other applications.
-      This class is responsible for handling when the instance of this widget
-      is enabled, disabled, created, deleted, or updated.</li>
-  <li><a href="src/com/example/android/hcgallery/widget/WidgetService.html">WidgetService</a>
-      The WidgetService is an implementation of the RemoteViewsService class,
-      which is used to populate the collection view (in this case, a stack
-      widget)</li> </ul>
+      in your application.</li></ul>
 <img alt="Screenshot" src="../images/hcgallery.png" />