Fix make_windows_sdk.

SDK Bug 2478848: emulator fails to build because sdl-config
was not checkout as +x by git/cygwin.

SDK Bug 2479321: aapt built using Cygwin 1.7.x depends on some
new cygwin DLL instead of mgwz.dll. The latter DLL is not even
present and fails to be bundled. This does not change the behavior,
it just makes sure we are using the proper version of cygwin.
diff --git a/build/tools/ b/build/tools/
index d30c956..6afc185 100755
--- a/build/tools/
+++ b/build/tools/
@@ -15,14 +15,11 @@
 set -e  # Fail this script as soon as a command fails -- fail early, fail fast
-# Set to 1 to force removal of old unzipped SDK. Only disable for debugging, as it
-# will make some rm/mv commands to fail.
+SDK_ZIP="$1"; shift
+DIST_DIR="$1"; shift
+TEMP_DIR="$1"; shift
 [ -z "$TEMP_DIR" ] && TEMP_DIR=${TMP:-/tmp}
 function die() {
@@ -51,6 +48,18 @@
     [ -f "$SDK_ZIP" ] || usage
     [ -d "$DIST_DIR" ] || usage
+    # We need mgwz.dll in the SDK when compiling with Cygwin 1.5
+    # Right now we don't support building with Cygwin 1.7 yet, as it lacks this DLL.
+    NEED_MGWZ=1
+    # We can skip this check for debug purposes.
+    echo $*
+    [[ "$1" == "-no-mgwz" ]] && NEED_MGWZ=""
+    CYG_MGWZ_PATH=/cygdrive/c/cygwin/bin/mgwz.dll
+    [[ -n $NEED_MGWZ && ! -f $CYG_MGWZ_PATH ]] && \
+        die "Cygwin is missing $CYG_MGWZ_PATH. Use -no-mgwz to override."
     # Use the BUILD_ID as SDK_NUMBER if defined, otherwise try to get it from the
     # provided zip filename.
     if [ -f config/build_id.make ]; then
@@ -110,6 +119,9 @@
         zipalign \
         || die "Build failed"
+    # Fix permissions. Git/cygwin may not make this +x as needed.
+    chmod +x prebuilt/windows/sdl/bin/sdl-config
     # It's worth building the emulator with -j 4 so do it separately
     make -j 4 emulator || die "Build failed"
@@ -123,14 +135,12 @@
     # Unzip current linux/mac SDK and rename using the windows name
-    if [[ -n "$FORCE" || ! -d "$TEMP_SDK_DIR" ]]; then
-        [ -e "$TEMP_SDK_DIR" ] && rm -rfv "$TEMP_SDK_DIR"  # cleanup dest first if exists
-        UNZIPPED=`basename "$SDK_ZIP"`
-        UNZIPPED="$TEMP_DIR/${UNZIPPED/.zip/}"
-        [ -e "$UNZIPPED" ] && rm -rfv "$UNZIPPED"  # cleanup unzip dir (if exists)
-        unzip "$SDK_ZIP" -d "$TEMP_DIR"
-        mv -v "$UNZIPPED" "$TEMP_SDK_DIR"
-    fi
+    [ -e "$TEMP_SDK_DIR" ] && rm -rfv "$TEMP_SDK_DIR"  # cleanup dest first if exists
+    UNZIPPED=`basename "$SDK_ZIP"`
+    [ -e "$UNZIPPED" ] && rm -rfv "$UNZIPPED"  # cleanup unzip dir (if exists)
+    unzip "$SDK_ZIP" -d "$TEMP_DIR"
+    mv -v "$UNZIPPED" "$TEMP_SDK_DIR"
     # Assert that the package contains only one platform
@@ -172,7 +182,7 @@
     # cp -v external/qemu/NOTICE "$TOOLS"/emulator_NOTICE.txt
     # We currently need libz from MinGW for aapt
-    cp -v /cygdrive/c/cygwin/bin/mgwz.dll "$TOOLS"/
+    [[ -n $NEED_MGWZ ]] && cp -v $CYG_MGWZ_PATH "$TOOLS"/
     # Update a bunch of bat files
     cp -v sdk/files/post_tools_install.bat            "$LIB"/
@@ -215,7 +225,7 @@
     cp -v dalvik/dx/etc/dx.bat "$PLATFORM_TOOLS"/
     mv -v "$TOOLS"/{aapt.exe,aidl.exe,dexdump.exe} "$PLATFORM_TOOLS"/
     # Note: mgwz.dll must be both in SDK/tools for zipalign and in SDK/platform/XYZ/tools/ for aapt
-    cp -v "$TOOLS"/mgwz.dll "$PLATFORM_TOOLS"/
+    [[ -n $NEED_MGWZ ]] && cp -v "$TOOLS"/mgwz.dll "$PLATFORM_TOOLS"/
     # Fix EOL chars to make window users happy - fix all files at the top level only
     # as well as all batch files including those in platforms/<name>/tools/
@@ -241,7 +251,7 @@
     echo "Resulting SDK is in $DIST_DIR/$DEST_NAME_ZIP"
+check $*