Added header-abi-diff.

header-abi-diff takes two input dumps produced by header-abi-dumper and
produces an abi compatiblity report.

header-abi-dumper, header-abi-linker now produce dumps formatted only in
protobuf TextFormat.

Test: Dump the abi exposed by test/input/example1.cpp. Add fields, change
      return types of functions and dump the abi of this version. Produce the
      compatibility report by: header-abi-diff -old <ver1-dump> -new <ver2-dump>
      -o <compatibility-report>.
      Also tested changing the abi of libjpeg, and comparing a reference
      dump with the new dump. An Abi breakage is reported.

Bug: 32750600

Change-Id: I5444912d84de726aaa18977ca9162162aa13b760
13 files changed