EmuGL: refcount ColorBuffers on the host

The gralloc API assumes system-wide reference counting of gralloc
buffers. The host-GL accelerated gralloc maps buffers to host-side
ColorBuffer objects, but was destroying them unconditionally in
gralloc_free(), ignoring any additional references from

This affected the SurfaceTexture gralloc buffers used by the
Browser/WebView. For some reason these buffers are actually allocated
by SurfaceFlinger and passed back to the WebView through Binder. But
since SurfaceFlinger doesn't actually need the buffer for anything,
sometime after the WebView has called gralloc_register_buffer()
SurfaceFlinger calls gralloc_free() on it. This caused the host
ColorBuffer to be destroyed long before the WebView is done using it.

Change-Id: I33dbee887a48a6907041cf19e9f38a1f6c983eff
7 files changed