blob: 5fdb95f88bc8dacacf70d7b348c84665bd610bc7 [file] [log] [blame]
* @fileoverview Class paypload is used to read in and
* parse the payload.bin file from a file.
* Class OpType creates a Map that can resolve the
* operation type.
* @package zip.js
* @package protobufjs
import * as zip from '@zip.js/zip.js/dist/zip-full.min.js'
import { chromeos_update_engine as update_metadata_pb } from './update_metadata_pb.js'
const /** Number */ _MAGIC = 'CrAU'
const /** Number */ _VERSION_SIZE = 8
const /** Number */ _MANIFEST_LEN_SIZE = 8
const /** Number */ _METADATA_SIGNATURE_LEN_SIZE = 4
const /** Number */ _BRILLO_MAJOR_PAYLOAD_VERSION = 2
export class Payload {
* This class parses the metadata of a OTA package.
* @param {File} file A file read from user's machine.
constructor(file) {
this.packedFile = new zip.ZipReader(new zip.BlobReader(file))
this.cursor = 0
async unzipPayload() {
let /** Array<Entry> */ entries = await this.packedFile.getEntries()
this.payload = null
for (let entry of entries) {
if (entry.filename == 'payload.bin') {
//TODO: only read in the manifest instead of the whole payload
this.payload = await entry.getData(new zip.BlobWriter())
if (!this.payload) {
alert('Please select a legit OTA package')
this.buffer = await this.payload.arrayBuffer()
* Read in an integer from binary bufferArray.
* @param {Int} size the size of a integer being read in
* @return {Int} an integer.
readInt(size) {
let /** DataView */ view = new DataView(
this.buffer.slice(this.cursor, this.cursor + size))
this.cursor += size
switch (size) {
case 2:
return view.getUInt16(0)
case 4:
return view.getUint32(0)
case 8:
return Number(view.getBigUint64(0))
throw 'Cannot read this integer with size ' + size
readHeader() {
let /** TextDecoder */ decoder = new TextDecoder()
try {
this.magic = decoder.decode(
this.buffer.slice(this.cursor, _MAGIC.length))
this.cursor += _MAGIC.length
if (this.magic != _MAGIC) {
alert('MAGIC is not correct, please double check.')
this.header_version = this.readInt(_VERSION_SIZE)
this.manifest_len = this.readInt(_MANIFEST_LEN_SIZE)
if (this.header_version == _BRILLO_MAJOR_PAYLOAD_VERSION) {
this.metadata_signature_len = this.readInt(_METADATA_SIGNATURE_LEN_SIZE)
} catch (err) {
* Read in the manifest in an file.
* The structure of the manifest can be found in:
* aosp/system/update_engine/update_metadata.proto
readManifest() {
let /** Array<Uint8> */ manifest_raw = new Uint8Array(this.buffer.slice(
this.cursor, this.cursor + this.manifest_len
this.cursor += this.manifest_len
this.manifest = update_metadata_pb.DeltaArchiveManifest
readSignature() {
let /** Array<Uint8>*/ signature_raw = new Uint8Array(this.buffer.slice(
this.cursor, this.cursor + this.metadata_signature_len
this.cursor += this.metadata_signature_len
this.metadata_signature = update_metadata_pb.Signatures
async init() {
await this.unzipPayload()
export class OpType {
* OpType.mapType create a map that could resolve the operation
* types. The operation types are encoded as numbers in
* update_metadata.proto and must be decoded before any usage.
constructor() {
let /** Array<{String: Number}>*/ types = update_metadata_pb.InstallOperation.Type
this.mapType = new Map()
for (let key in types) {
this.mapType.set(types[key], key)
export class MergeOpType {
* MergeOpType create a map that could resolve the COW merge operation
* types. This is very similar to OpType class except that one is for
* installation operations.
constructor() {
let /** Array<{String: Number}>*/ types =
this.mapType = new Map()
for (let key in types) {
this.mapType.set(types[key], key)
export function octToHex(bufferArray, space = true, maxLine = 16) {
let hex_table = ''
for (let i = 0; i < bufferArray.length; i++) {
if (bufferArray[i].toString(16).length===2) {
hex_table += bufferArray[i].toString(16) + (space ? ' ' : '')
} else {
hex_table += '0' + bufferArray[i].toString(16) + (space ? ' ' : '')
if ((i + 1) % maxLine == 0) {
hex_table += '\n'
return hex_table