Header ABI Checker

The header ABI checker consists of 3 tools: header-abi-dumper, header-abi-linker, and header-abi-diff. The first two commands generate ABI dumps for shared libraries. The third command compares the ABI dumps with the reference ABI dumps in prebuilts/abi-dumps. If there are no ABI dumps under prebuilts/abi-dumps, follow the instructions in Create Reference ABI Dumps to create one.

Header ABI Dumper

header-abi-dumper dumps the ABIs (including classes, functions, variables, etc) defined in a C/C++ source file.

The -I command line option controls the scope of ABIs that must be dumped. If -I <path-to-export-include-dir> is specified, the generated ABI dump will only include the classes, the functions, and the variables that are defined in the header files under the exported include directories.


header-abi-dumper -o <dump-file> <source_file> \
    -I <export-include-dir-1> \
    -I <export-include-dir-2> \
    ... \
    -- \

For more command line options, run header-abi-dumper --help.

Header ABI Linker

header-abi-linker links several ABI dumps produced by header-abi-dumper. This tool combines all the ABI information present in the input ABI dump files and prunes the irrelevant ABI dumps.


header-abi-linker -o <linked-abi-dump> \
    <abi-dump1> <abi-dump2> <abi-dump3> ... \
    -so <path to so file> \
    -v <path to version script>

For more command line options, run header-abi-linker --help.

Header ABI Diff

header-abi-diff compares two header ABI dumps produced by header-abi-dumper. It produces a report outlining all the differences between the ABIs exposed by the two dumps.


header-abi-diff -old <old-abi-dump> -new <new-abi-dump> -o <report>

For more command line options, run header-abi-diff --help.

Return Value

  • 0: Compatible
  • 1: Changes to APIs unreferenced by symbols in the .dynsym table
  • 4: Compatible extension
  • 8: Incompatible
  • 16: ELF incompatible (Some symbols in the .dynsym table, not exported by public headers, were removed.)


header-abi-diff reads a config file named config.json. The config file must be placed in the dump directory, such as prebuilts/abi-dumps/platform/33/64/x86_64/source-based/config.json. The file consists of multiple sections. There are two types of sections: global config section and library config section. Each library config section contains flags for a specific version and a library. header-abi-diff chooses the library config section by command line options -target-version and -lib.


Here is an example of a config.json.

  "global": {
    "flags": {
      "allow_adding_removing_weak_symbols": true,
  "libfoo": [
      "target_version": "current",
      "flags": {
        "check_all_apis": true,
      "target_version": "34",
      "ignore_linker_set_keys": [
      "flags": {
        "allow_extensions": true,

Library Config Section

A library config section includes members: “target_version”, “ignore_linker_set_keys” and “flags”. header-abi-diff selects the config section that matches the target version given by CLI. Take above config as an example, if -target-version 34 and -lib libfoo are specified, the selected config section is:

  "target_version": "34",
  "ignore_linker_set_keys": [
  "flags": {
    "allow_extensions": true,


The config file and the header-abi-diff CLI support the same set of flags. If a flag is present in both CLI and config sections, the library config section takes priority, then the global config section and the CLI.

How to Resolve ABI Difference

Android build system runs the ABI checker automatically when it builds the ABI-monitored libraries. Currently the build system compares the ABI of the source code with two sets of reference dumps: the current version and the previous version. The ABI difference is propagated as build errors. This section describes the common methods to resolve them.

Update Reference ABI Dumps

When the build system finds difference between the source code and the ABI reference dumps for the current version, it instructs you to run create_reference_dumps.py to update the dumps.

The command below updates the reference ABI dumps for all monitored libraries on arm, arm64, x86, and x86_64 architectures:

$ python3 utils/create_reference_dumps.py

To update reference ABI dumps for a specific library, libfoo for example, run the command below:

$ python3 utils/create_reference_dumps.py -l libfoo

For more command line options, run:

utils/create_reference_dumps.py --help

Configure Cross-Version ABI Check

When the build system finds incompatibility between the source code and the ABI of the previous version, it instructs you to follow this document to resolve it.

If the ABI difference is intended, you may configure the ABI tools to ignore it. The following example shows how to make an exception for the ABI difference in libfoo between the current source and the previous version, 33:

  1. Open libfoo.so.33.abidiff which is located in $OUT_DIR/soong/.intermediates or $DIST_DIR/abidiffs. Find out the linker_set_key of the type that has ABI difference. Here is a sample abidiff file:

    lib_name: "libfoo"
    arch: "x86_64"
    record_type_diffs {
      name: "bar"
      linker_set_key: "_ZTI3bar"
    compatibility_status: INCOMPATIBLE
  2. Find the reference dump directories by

    find $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/prebuilts/abi-dumps/*/33 -name libfoo.so.lsdump -exec dirname {} +

    The command should show 6 directories for different architectures.

  3. Create or edit config.json in every directory, for instance,


      "libfoo": [
          "target_version": "34",
          "ignore_linker_set_keys": [

    The config above makes the ABI tools ignore the difference in type _ZTI3bar in libfoo. If the API level of this branch has been finalized (i.e., PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME=REL), target_version must be set to the API level. Otherwise, target_version must be set to the previous finalized API level + 1 so that the config will continue being effective after finalization.

For more information about the config files, please refer to Configuration.