Convert HelloCompute/ to Android.bp

1. converted the Make file to a Soong one;
2. handled the .rscript files by genrule (to include the same commands used when build
with the former .mk file);
3. the differences observed in the apks before and after the conversion
are the same as in http://b/186244109, which should not affect the
conversion here;
4. the same result was observed when run the two apks on a physical
phone(Pixel 3a XL (bonito));
5. test commands:
mma -j RsHelloCompute
adb install -r ~/aosp/out/target/product/bonito/system/app/RsHelloCompute/RsHelloCompute.apk
adb shell am start -S -n

Bug: 124261647
Test: compared the two apk files built by Make and Soong
Test: run two apks on a Pixel 3a XL (bonito) phone
Test: TreeHugger
Change-Id: I93a536ccedd9abe5ceb99d73d96668f0a861fb51
2 files changed