blob: 86660cbd65281d2349589f268137b6bfadc77bd7 [file] [log] [blame]
import freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel
import groovy.transform.Canonical
import org.gradle.api.GradleException
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.file.FileTree
* Gradle extension that holds properties for sample generation.
* The sample generator needs a number of properties whose values can be
* inferred by convention from a smaller number of initial properties.
* This class defines fields for the initial properties, and getter
* methods for the inferred properties. It also defines a small number
* of convenience methods for setting up template-generation tasks.
class SampleGenProperties {
* The Gradle project that this extension is being applied to.
Project project
* Directory where the top-level sample project lives
def targetProjectDir
* Relative path to samples/common directory
def pathToSamplesCommon
* Java package name for the root package of this sample.
String targetSamplePackage
String targetCommonSourceDir() {
return "${targetProjectDir}/${targetSampleModule()}/src/common/java/com/example/android/common"
* The name of this sample (and also of the corresponding .iml file)
String targetSampleName() {
return project.file(targetProjectDir).getName()
* The name of the main module in the sample project
String targetSampleModule() {
return "${targetSampleName()}Sample"
* The path to the template parameters file
String templateXml() {
return "${targetProjectDir}/template-params.xml"
* Returns the sample's fully qualified Java package as an OS dependent
* path fragment
String targetSamplePackageAsPath() {
return targetSamplePackage.replaceAll(/\./, File.separator)
* Returns the path to the common/build/templates directory
String templatesRoot() {
return "${pathToSamplesCommon}/build/templates"
* Returns the path to common/src/java
String commonSourceRoot() {
return "${pathToSamplesCommon}/src/java/com/example/android/common"
* Returns the path to the template include directory
String templatesInclude() {
return "${templatesRoot()}/include"
* Returns the output file that will be generated for a particular
* input, by replacing generic pathnames with project-specific pathnames
* and dropping the .ftl extension from freemarker files.
* @param relativeInputPath Input file as a relative path from the template directory
* @return Relative output file path
String getOutputForInput(String relativeInputPath) {
String outputPath = relativeInputPath
outputPath = outputPath.replaceAll('_PROJECT_', targetSampleName())
outputPath = outputPath.replaceAll('_MODULE_', targetSampleModule())
outputPath = outputPath.replaceAll('_PACKAGE_', targetSamplePackageAsPath())
// This is kind of a hack; IntelliJ picks up any and all subdirectories named .idea, so
// named them ._IDE_ instead. TODO: remove when generating .idea projects is no longer necessary.
outputPath = outputPath.replaceAll('_IDE_', "idea")
outputPath = outputPath.replaceAll(/\.ftl$/, '')
// Any file beginning with a dot won't get picked up, so rename them as necessary here.
outputPath = outputPath.replaceAll('gitignore', '.gitignore')
return outputPath
* Returns the tree(s) where the templates to be processed live. The template
* input paths that are passed to
* {@link SampleGenProperties#getOutputForInput(java.lang.String) getOutputForInput}
* are relative to the dir element in each tree.
FileTree[] templates() {
def result = []
def xmlFile = project.file(templateXml())
if (xmlFile.exists()) {
def xml = new XmlSlurper().parse(xmlFile)
xml.template.each { template ->
result.add(project.fileTree(dir: "${templatesRoot()}/${template.@src}"))
} else {
result.add(project.fileTree(dir: "${templatesRoot()}/create"))
return result;
* Path(s) of the common directories to copy over to the sample project.
FileTree[] common() {
def result = []
def xmlFile = project.file(templateXml())
if (xmlFile.exists()) {
def xml = new XmlSlurper().parse(xmlFile)
xml.common.each { common ->
println "Adding common/${common.@src} from ${commonSourceRoot()}"
result.add(project.fileTree (
dir: "${commonSourceRoot()}",
include: "${common.@src}/**/*"
return result
* Returns the hash to supply to the freemarker template processor.
* This is loaded from the file specified by {@link SampleGenProperties#templateXml()}
* if such a file exists, or synthesized with some default parameters if it does not.
* In addition, some data about the current project is added to the "meta" key of the
* hash.
* @return The hash to supply to freemarker
Map templateParams() {
Map result = new HashMap();
def xmlFile = project.file(templateXml())
if (xmlFile.exists()) {
// Parse the xml into Freemarker's DOM structure
def params = freemarker.ext.dom.NodeModel.parse(xmlFile)
// Move to the <sample> node and stuff that in our map
def sampleNode = (NodeModel)params.exec(['/sample'])
result.put("sample", sampleNode)
} else {
// Fake data for use on creation
result.put("sample", [
// Extra data that some templates find useful
result.put("meta", [
root: targetProjectDir,
module: targetSampleModule(),
common: pathToSamplesCommon,
return result
* Generate default values for properties that can be inferred from an existing
* generated project, unless those properties have already been
* explicitly specified.
void getRefreshProperties() {
if (!this.targetProjectDir) {
this.targetProjectDir = project.projectDir
def xmlFile = project.file(templateXml())
if (xmlFile.exists()) {
println "Template XML: $xmlFile"
def xml = new XmlSlurper().parse(xmlFile)
this.targetSamplePackage = xml.package.toString()
println "Target Package: $targetSamplePackage"
* Generate default values for creation properties, unless those properties
* have already been explicitly specified. This method will attempt to get
* these properties interactively from the user if necessary.
void getCreationProperties() {
def calledFrom = project.hasProperty('calledFrom') ? new File(project.calledFrom)
: project.projectDir
calledFrom = calledFrom.getCanonicalPath()
println('\n\n\nReady to create project...')
if (!this.pathToSamplesCommonSet) {
if (project.hasProperty('pathToSamplesCommon')) {
this.pathToSamplesCommon = project.pathToSamplesCommon
} else {
throw new GradleException ('create task requires project property pathToSamplesCommon')
if (!this.targetProjectDir) {
if (project.hasProperty('out')) {
this.targetProjectDir = project.out
} else {
this.targetProjectDir = System.console().readLine("\noutput directory [$calledFrom]:")
if (this.targetProjectDir.length() <= 0) {
this.targetProjectDir = calledFrom
if (!this.targetSamplePackage) {
def defaultPackage = "" + this.targetSampleName().toLowerCase()
this.targetSamplePackage = System.console().readLine("\nsample package name[$defaultPackage]:")
if (this.targetSamplePackage.length() <= 0) {
this.targetSamplePackage = defaultPackage