New consolidated GitHub script and removal of old ones

Change-Id: I26ea08b1c75833c9d7e35b2079e4ca5a72e9e011
diff --git a/github-update b/github-update
deleted file mode 100755
index 978b22c..0000000
--- a/github-update
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-##  GitHub Upate script for Android Samples
-##replace with auth token for google-automerger GitHub account
-##make temporary dir to pull code into - delete at end.
-mkdir github-temp
-cd github-temp
-##iterate through samples
-for i in $(ls ../prebuilts/gradle);
-##for testing
-#foo="ActionBarCompat-Basic herpderp"
-#foo="ActionBarCompat-Basic ActionBarCompat-ListPopupMenu"
-#foo="MediaBrowserService MessagingService"
-#for i in $foo;
-echo "
-result=$(curl -o /dev/null --silent --head --write-out '%{http_code}' "$URL")
-#echo "$result $URL"
-##checking to see if the repo exists
-if [ "$result" != "200" ]; then
-   echo "Cannot access repo for $i, it may not exist yet"
-   echo "Updating repo for $i"
-git clone $URL.git
-##check to make sure it worked and the folder is there
-if [ -d "android-$i" ]; then
-   rsync -az --delete --exclude '*.git' ../prebuilts/gradle/$i/ ./android-$i/
-   cd ./android-$i/
-   git config "google-automerger"
-   git config
-   git add .
-   git status
-   git commit -m "Auto-update"
-   git remote set-url origin "https://$$i.git"
-   git push origin master
-  cd ..
-   "Something went wrong when cloning $i - result directory does not exist."
-cd ..
-rm -rf ./github-temp
diff --git a/github-upload b/github-upload
deleted file mode 100755
index 4326a7a..0000000
--- a/github-upload
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-##  GitHub Upload/Sync script for Android Samples
-##replace with auth token for google-automerger GitHub account
-##iterate through samples
-cd ./prebuilts/gradle
-for i in $(ls);
-##for testing
-#foo="ActionBarCompat-Basic ActionBarCompat-ListPopupMenu FooBar"
-#foo="ActionBarCompat-Basic Notifications"
-#for i in $foo;
-echo "
-result=$(curl -o /dev/null --silent --head --write-out '%{http_code}' "$URL")
-#echo "$result $URL"
-##checking to see if the repo already exists
-if [ "$result" != "404" ]; then
-   echo "$i already exists as a repo"
- else
-   echo "A repo for $i does not exist yet"
-#echo "
-#URL Repo Name:
-CREATE="curl -H 'Authorization: token '$TOKEN \
-     -d '{\"name\":\"android-'$i'\", \"team_id\":889859}' \
-#echo "
-#Create Script:
-eval $CREATE
-#add secondary team permissions (robots)
-ADDTEAM="curl -X PUT \
--H 'Authorization: token '$TOKEN \
--H 'Content-Length: 0' \
-#echo "
-#Add Team Robots:
-eval $ADDTEAM
-#echo "
-#Authenticated URL:
-   cd $i
-   git init
-    #overrides .gitconfig just for this project - does not alter your global settings.
-   git config "google-automerger"
-   git config
-   git add .
-   git commit -m "Initial Commit"
-   git remote add origin $URL
-   git push origin master
-   cd ..
- fi
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..64f7741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+##  GitHub Upload+Update Script (V2, combined) for DevPlat Samples
+## Generates a random 32 character alphaneumeric string to use as a post script 
+##   for the temporary code folder (folder will be deleted at end)
+folderPS=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1)
+#utility function to print to stderr
+echoerr() { echo "$@" 1>&2; }
+display_usage() {
+echo -e "\e[90mUsage:
+      -t | --token [github_auth_token]
+         Input an auth token to access the googlesamples GitHub org
+         (if this is not present, you will be prompted for one later)
+      -s | --samples [sample1 sample2 sample3 ... sampleN]
+         If you don't want to check the entire samples folder,
+         you can specify which samples to use with this option.
+      --upload-only
+          Only uploads new samples - samples with existing
+          repos will be ignored
+      --update-only
+          Only updates samples with existing repos - new
+          samples will be ignored
+      --keep-temp-files
+          Will not delete the temporary directory used to pull/push
+          to Github. (normally deleted upon exit) Preserves logs.
+  This script can be run with no options - it will check the entire
+  ./prebuilts/gradle folder and prompt for an auth token when needed.\e[0m\n"
+##  Make sure we delete the temporary folder (if it gets created) before exiting
+finish() {
+  if $deleteTemp; then
+    if [ -d "../github-temp$folderPS" ]; then
+     cd ..
+     rm -rf ./github-temp$folderPS
+    elif [ -d "github-temp$folderPS" ]; then
+     rm -rf ./github-temp$folderPS
+    fi
+  fi
+# this ensures finish() will always be called no matter how the script ends
+trap finish EXIT
+##  Process input parameters. (see above for usage)
+## How this works:
+##  $# is the number of parameters passed in
+##  $1 is the first parameter, $2 the second, and so on. (space delimited)
+##  shift basically left shifts the params array - $1 goes away, $2 becomes $1, etc
+##  Thus, this while loop iterates through all command line parameters
+while [[ $# > 0 ]]; do
+case "$1" in
+  -t|--token)
+    if [[ $2 != -* ]] && [[ $2 ]]; then
+      token="$2"; shift
+    else
+      echoerr -e "Option $1 requires an argument. Cancelling script.\nUse --help to display usage."
+      exit 1
+    fi;;
+  --update-only) upload=false;;
+  --upload-only) update=false;;
+  --keep-temp-files) deleteTemp=false;;
+  -s|--samples)
+    useAllSamples=false
+    while [[ $2 != -* ]] && [[ $2 ]]; do
+      #if true; then ##for testing
+      if [ -d "./prebuilts/gradle/$2" ]; then
+        allSamples+=("$2")
+        shift
+      else
+        echoerr -e "Sample \"$2\" does not exist in ./prebuilts/gradle. Cancelling script.\n"
+        exit 1
+      fi
+    done;;
+  -h|--help)
+      display_usage
+      exit 1;;
+  *)
+    echoerr -e "Unknown Option: $1\nUse --help to display usage."
+    exit 1;;
+done #ends options while loop
+if ! $upload && ! $update; then
+  echoerr -e "Do not use both --update-only and --upload-only, no samples will be processed.
+  If you want to do both updates and uploads, no flags are needed.
+  Use --help to display usage."
+  exit 1
+##  Get all folders in prebuilts and stick 'em in an array
+if $useAllSamples; then
+  allSamples=($(ls ./prebuilts/gradle))
+# [@] returns all items in an array, ${#...} counts them
+echo "Running script for $numSamples samples"
+##  Iterate through all the samples and see if there's
+##  a repo for them on GitHub already - save results so we only do it once
+echo -ne "Checking for existence of repos... ($curSample/$numSamples)\r"
+for i in ${allSamples[@]};
+ #echo "$i"
+ URL=$i
+ result=$(curl -o /dev/null --silent --head --write-out '%{http_code}' "$URL")
+ #echo "$result $URL"
+ if [ "$result" -eq "404" ]; then
+   toUpload+=("$i")
+ elif [ "$result" -eq "200" ]; then
+   toUpdate+=("$i")
+ else
+   problemSamples+=("$i")
+ fi
+ curSample=$(($curSample+1))
+ echo -ne "Checking for existence of repos... ($curSample/$numSamples)\r"
+done #close for loop for existence check
+echo ""
+##  For every sample that has a repo already, clone it and diff it against
+##  the sample code in our git to see if it needs updating.
+if $update; then
+##make temporary dir to pull code into - will be deleted upon exit.
+mkdir github-temp$folderPS
+cd github-temp$folderPS
+echo -ne "Checking for out-of-date repos... ($curSample/$numUpdates)\r"
+for i in ${toUpdate[@]};
+ URL=$i
+ git clone $URL.git &> /dev/null
+ if [ -d "android-$i" ]; then
+   diffResult=$(diff -r --exclude '*.git' ../prebuilts/gradle/$i/ ./android-$i/)
+   #for testing (will show diff in every repo)
+   #diffResult=$(diff -r ../prebuilts/gradle/$i/ ./android-$i/)`
+   #echo $diffResult
+   if [ -n "$diffResult" ]; then
+     needsUpdate+=("$i")
+   fi
+ else
+   echoerr "Something went wrong when cloning $i - result directory does not exist.
+   Leaving temp files in place for further examination."
+   deleteTemp=false;
+ fi
+ curSample=$(($curSample+1))
+ echo -ne "Checking for out-of-date repos... ($curSample/$numUpdates)\r"
+done #end of for loop when checking which repos actually need updating
+echo ""
+echo ""
+##  Display the detected changes to be made and get user confirmation
+if $upload; then
+  if [ ${#toUpload[@]} -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "\n\e[1mNew samples that will be uploaded:\e[0m"
+    for i in ${toUpload[@]}; do
+     echo -e "\e[32m$i\e[0m"
+    done
+  else
+    upload=false
+    echo "Nothing new to upload."
+  fi
+  echo "No uploads - check skipped on user request"
+if $update; then
+  if [ ${#needsUpdate[@]} -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo -e "\n\e[1mSamples that will be updated:\e[0m"
+    for i in ${needsUpdate[@]}; do
+      echo -e "\e[34m$i\e[0m"
+    done
+  else
+    update=false
+    echo "Nothing to update."
+  fi
+  echo "No updates - check skipped on user request"
+if [ ${#problemSamples[@]} -ne 0 ]; then
+ echoerr "
+These repos returned something other than a 404 or 200 result code:"
+ for i in ${problemSamples[@]};
+ do
+  echoerr "$i"
+ done
+if ! $upload && ! $update; then
+ echo -e "\e[1mLooks like everything's up-to-date.\e[0m\n"
+read -p "
+Do you want to continue? [y/n]: " -n 1 -r
+# if they type anything but an upper or lower case y, don't proceed.
+if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
+   #echo "Commencing Github updates"
+##  If the user hasn't supplied a token via parameter, ask now
+if ! [ -n "$token" ]
+ read -p "
+Input a valid googlesamples GitHub access token to continue: " -r
+ token=$REPLY
+##  Test that token
+tokenTest=$(curl -o /dev/null --silent \
+  -H "Authorization: token $token" \
+  --write-out '%{http_code}' "")
+if [ "$tokenTest" -eq "200" ]; then
+##  If there's something to update, do the updates
+if [ ${#needsUpdate[@]} -ne 0 ] && $update; then
+ for i in ${needsUpdate[@]}; do
+   echo -e "\nUpdating $i"
+   if [ -d "android-$i" ]; then
+     rsync -az --delete --exclude '*.git' ../prebuilts/gradle/$i/ ./android-$i/
+     cd ./android-$i/
+     git config "google-automerger"
+     git config
+     git add .
+     git status
+     git commit -m "Auto-update"
+     git remote set-url origin "https://$$i.git"
+     git push origin master
+     #overwrite remote url to not contain auth token
+     git remote set-url origin "$i.git"
+     cd ..
+   else
+     echoerr "Something went wrong when cloning $i - result directory does not exist.
+Leaving temp files in place for further examination."
+   deleteTemp=false;
+  fi
+ done
+#moves out of the temp folder, if we're in it.
+if [ -d "../github-temp$folderPS" ]; then
+   cd ..
+##  If there's something new to upload, do the uploads
+if [ ${#toUpload[@]} -ne 0 ] && $upload; then
+ for i in ${toUpload[@]}; do
+   echo -e "\nUploading $i"
+   repoName="googlesamples/android-$i"
+   CREATE="curl -H 'Authorization: token '$TOKEN \
+     -d '{\"name\":\"android-'$i'\", \"team_id\":889859}' \
+   eval $CREATE
+   #add secondary team permissions (robots)
+   ADDTEAM="curl -X PUT \
+     -H 'Authorization: token '$TOKEN \
+     -H 'Content-Length: 0' \
+   eval $ADDTEAM
+   URL="https://$$repoName"
+   cd $i
+   git init
+    #overrides .gitconfig just for this project - does not alter your global settings.
+   git config "google-automerger"
+   git config
+   git add .
+   git commit -m "Initial Commit"
+   git remote add origin $URL
+   git push origin master
+   cd ..
+ done
+  echoerr "That token doesn't work. A test returned the code: $tokenTest"
+   echo "User cancelled Github update."
+fi #end of "is there something to do?" if statement
\ No newline at end of file