Rebuild the x86-atom interpreter.

Change-Id: I784e60325a82fd43420e489ee17e2013684c04d2
diff --git a/vm/mterp/out/InterpAsm-x86-atom.S b/vm/mterp/out/InterpAsm-x86-atom.S
index e3ea070..dedd946 100644
--- a/vm/mterp/out/InterpAsm-x86-atom.S
+++ b/vm/mterp/out/InterpAsm-x86-atom.S
@@ -2529,7 +2529,7 @@
     shl         $16, %ecx              # prepare to create +AAAAAAAA
     or          %ecx, %edx              # %edx<- +AAAAAAAA
     shl         $1, %edx               # %edx is doubled to get the byte offset
-    jc          common_periodicChecks2  # do check on backwards branch
+    jle          common_periodicChecks2  # do check on backwards branch
     FINISH_RB   %edx, %ecx              # jump to next instruction
 /* ------------------------------ */
@@ -18209,14 +18209,15 @@
     jne         common_exceptionThrown  # handle exception
     FGETOP_JMP  3, %edx                 # jump to next instruction; getop, jmp
+.LstackOverflow:  # %ecx=methodToCall
+    movl        %ecx, -4(%esp)          # push parameter method to call
     movl        rGLUE, %ecx             # %ecx<- pMterpGlue
     movl        offGlue_self(%ecx), %ecx # %ecx<- glue->self
-    movl        %ecx, -4(%esp)          # push parameter self
-    lea         -4(%esp), %esp
-    call        dvmHandleStackOverflow  # call: (Thread* self)
+    movl        %ecx, -8(%esp)          # push parameter self
+    lea         -8(%esp), %esp
+    call        dvmHandleStackOverflow  # call: (Thread* self, Method* method)
                                         # return: void
-    lea         4(%esp), %esp
+    lea         8(%esp), %esp
     jmp         common_exceptionThrown  # handle exception
@@ -18353,7 +18354,7 @@
     movl        %eax, -4(%esp)          # save %eax for later
     movl        %ecx, -12(%esp)         # push parameter 2 glue->self
     lea         -12(%esp), %esp
-    call        dvmCleanupStackOverflow # call: (Thread* self)
+    call        dvmCleanupStackOverflow # call: (Thread* self, Object* exception)
                                         # return: void
     lea         12(%esp), %esp
     movl        -4(%esp), %eax          # %eax<- restore %eax
@@ -18403,7 +18404,7 @@
     je          1f                      #
     movl        %edx, -12(%esp)         # push parameter 1 glue->self
     lea         -12(%esp), %esp
-    call        dvmCleanupStackOverflow # call: (Thread* self)
+    call        dvmCleanupStackOverflow # call: (Thread* self, Object* exception)
                                         # return: void
     lea         12(%esp), %esp