Improve diagnostics when non-String passed as a jstring.

For my particular bug, the cause was obvious by inspection of the calling
code, but this might be useful in harder cases.

    W(17868) JNI WARNING: jstring 0x3600001 points to non-string object (Check_GetStringUTFChars)  (dalvikvm)

Change-Id: I883a99936b8c2cd79c5a691f7c335245ff50b34f
    W(19680) JNI WARNING: jstring 0x3600001 points to object of type Llibcore/io/Posix; (Check_GetStringUTFChars)  (dalvikvm)
diff --git a/vm/CheckJni.c b/vm/CheckJni.c
index 76ad85b..5478eb1 100644
--- a/vm/CheckJni.c
+++ b/vm/CheckJni.c
@@ -583,8 +583,8 @@
          * we're doing it again over in checkObject().
         if (dvmIsValidObject(obj))
-            LOGW("JNI WARNING: jstring %p points to non-string object (%s)",
-                jstr, func);
+            LOGW("JNI WARNING: jstring %p points to object of type %s (%s)",
+                jstr, obj->clazz->descriptor, func);
             LOGW("JNI WARNING: jstring %p is not a valid object (%s)", jstr,