Increase priority of unresponsive threads.

The VM uses a safe-pointing thread suspension mechanism, which currently
means that the GC can't do its work until the various threads enter a
non-running state.  This can be a problem if a low-priority thread was
scheduled out and other processes in the system are running flat out.

This changes the "spin on suspend" mechanism to increase the priority of
unresponsive threads.  Currently we just boost the "nice" value, since
that seems to be enough to do the trick in my tests, but we may have to
shift the cgroup around as well (assuming other recent changes don't
simply render this unnecessary).
diff --git a/vm/Thread.c b/vm/Thread.c
index 30c3523..e0f986d 100644
--- a/vm/Thread.c
+++ b/vm/Thread.c
@@ -2455,14 +2455,50 @@
     const int kMaxRetries = 10;
     int spinSleepTime = FIRST_SLEEP;
     bool complained = false;
+    bool needPriorityReset = false;
+    int savedThreadPrio = -500;
     int sleepIter = 0;
     int retryCount = 0;
     u8 startWhen = 0;       // init req'd to placate gcc
+    u8 firstStartWhen = 0;
     while (thread->status == THREAD_RUNNING && !thread->isSuspended) {
-        if (sleepIter == 0)         // get current time on first iteration
+        if (sleepIter == 0) {           // get current time on first iteration
             startWhen = dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec();
+            if (firstStartWhen == 0)    // first iteration of first attempt
+                firstStartWhen = startWhen;
+            /*
+             * After waiting for a bit, check to see if the target thread is
+             * running at a reduced priority.  If so, bump it up temporarily
+             * to give it more CPU time.
+             *
+             * getpriority() returns the "nice" value, so larger numbers
+             * indicate lower priority.
+             *
+             * (Not currently changing the cgroup.  Wasn't necessary in some
+             * simple experiments.)
+             */
+            if (retryCount == 2) {
+                assert(thread->systemTid != 0);
+                errno = 0;
+                int threadPrio = getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, thread->systemTid);
+                if (errno == 0 && threadPrio > 0) {
+                    const int kHigher = 0;
+                    if (setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, thread->systemTid, kHigher) < 0)
+                    {
+                        LOGW("Couldn't raise priority on tid %d to %d\n",
+                            thread->systemTid, kHigher);
+                    } else {
+                        savedThreadPrio = threadPrio;
+                        needPriorityReset = true;
+                        LOGD("Temporarily raising priority on tid %d (%d -> %d)\n",
+                            thread->systemTid, threadPrio, kHigher);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
 #if defined (WITH_JIT)
@@ -2475,9 +2511,13 @@
+        /*
+         * Sleep briefly.  This returns false if we've exceeded the total
+         * time limit for this round of sleeping.
+         */
         if (!dvmIterativeSleep(sleepIter++, spinSleepTime, startWhen)) {
-            LOGW("threadid=%d (h=%d): spin on suspend threadid=%d (handle=%d)\n",
-                self->threadId, (int)self->handle,
+            LOGW("threadid=%d: spin on suspend #%d threadid=%d (h=%d)\n",
+                self->threadId, retryCount,
                 thread->threadId, (int)thread->handle);
             complained = true;
@@ -2496,9 +2536,20 @@
     if (complained) {
-        LOGW("threadid=%d: spin on suspend resolved\n", self->threadId);
+        LOGW("threadid=%d: spin on suspend resolved in %lld msec\n",
+            self->threadId,
+            (dvmGetRelativeTimeUsec() - firstStartWhen) / 1000);
         //dvmDumpThread(thread, false);   /* suspended, so dump is safe */
+    if (needPriorityReset) {
+        if (setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, thread->systemTid, savedThreadPrio) < 0) {
+            LOGW("NOTE: couldn't reset priority on thread %d to %d\n",
+                thread->systemTid, savedThreadPrio);
+        } else {
+            LOGV("Restored priority on %d to %d\n",
+                thread->systemTid, savedThreadPrio);
+        }
+    }