dx: Support v53 class files built from language level 8 sources.

This CL removes the initial blockers for processing version 53
class files with dx:

1. Increase the maximum version that DirectClassFile.isGoodVersion()
   (CLASS_FILE_MAX_MAJOR_VERSION) will accept to 53.
   Also updated the documentation for CLASS_FILE_MIN_MAJOR_VERSION
   from the latest version of the referenced table on Wikipedia.

2. Skip/do not process module-info.class files (module descriptors).
   Android / the dex file format doesn't currently support modules,
   and dx can't currently parse them.

Test: dx doesn't crash when run on a modular jar representing core-all
      and built with OpenJDK 9 javac -target 1.9 -source 1.9
      (as well as additional unexported/draft local changes).

Test: Treehugger
Bug: 64447140
Bug: 38177569

Change-Id: I2f848e33d16c9189568cb22b41adc770a7946988
2 files changed