[automerger skipped] Merge "Test that BAL can't be bypassed by the install commit" into rvc-dev am: d1ce6a4002 am: 4a2e3a3b6b -s ours am: bb1488ec79 -s ours am: 6c2735b8e8 -s ours am: b56b2bb139 -s ours am: 33f2e240a7 -s ours

am skip reason: Merged-In I781187156a57efeddd2fa244c78f5659c578d1b2 with SHA-1 95d47fe17a is already in history

Original change: https://googleplex-android-review.googlesource.com/c/platform/cts/+/21005881

Change-Id: I83ceb26da57aa928fbec588377921de0744beffe
Signed-off-by: Automerger Merge Worker <android-build-automerger-merge-worker@system.gserviceaccount.com>