tree: b8bd482f0d1155c19bf5d6bdb34063d72e079b19 [path history] [tgz]
  1. AssociationRevokedTestApp/
  2. common/
  3. CompanionDeviceTestApp/
  4. core/
  5. multiprocess/
  6. noservices/
  7. PermissionsSyncTestApp/
  8. uiautomation/
  9. uicommon/
  10. Android.bp
  11. OWNERS

CTS tests for CompanionDeviceManager are split into 2 modules: CtsCompanionDeviceManagerCoreTestCases (a.k.a. “Core Tests”) and CtsCompanionDeviceManagerUiAutomationTestCases (a.k.a. “UiAutomation Tests”).

The core difference between the two test modules is that CtsCompanionDeviceManager_Core_TestCases does NOT use UiAutomation which makes it:

  • faster
  • suitable for to run on NFFs
  • less prone to flakiness
  • better suitable to run in PRESUBMIT.

CtsCompanionDeviceManager_UiAutomation_TestCases, on the other hand, uses UiAutomation in order to test CDM flows end-to-end and is (at least for now) designed to run only on the mobile form-factor and requires a discoverable BT device nearby.