blob: 795ec6607bc5a251087d3ea93dc834e482267a3d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2024 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Verify that the switch from UW to W has similar RGB values."""
import logging
import math
import os.path
import pathlib
import cv2
from mobly import test_runner
import numpy as np
import its_base_test
import camera_properties_utils
import image_processing_utils
import its_session_utils
import opencv_processing_utils
import preview_processing_utils
_AE_ATOL = 7.0
_AE_RTOL = 0.04 # 4%
_AWB_ATOL_AB = 10 # ATOL for A and B means in LAB color space
_AWB_ATOL_L = 3 # ATOL for L means in LAB color space
_COLORS = ('r', 'g', 'b', 'gray')
_IMG_FORMAT = 'png'
_MP4_FORMAT = '.mp4'
_NAME = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0]
_PATCH_MARGIN = 50 # pixels
_RECORDING_DURATION = 400 # milliseconds
_TAP_COORDINATES = (500, 500) # Location to tap tablet screen via adb
_ZOOM_RANGE_UW_W = (0.95, 2.05) # UW/W crossover range
_ZOOM_STEP = 0.01
def _get_error_msg(failed_awb_msg, failed_ae_msg, failed_af_msg):
""""Returns the error message string.
failed_awb_msg: list of awb error msgs
failed_ae_msg: list of ae error msgs
failed_af_msg: list of af error msgs
error_msg: str; error_msg string
error_msg = ''
if failed_awb_msg:
error_msg = f'{error_msg}----AWB Check----\n'
for msg in failed_awb_msg:
error_msg = f'{error_msg}{msg}\n'
if failed_ae_msg:
error_msg = f'{error_msg}----AE Check----\n'
for msg in failed_ae_msg:
error_msg = f'{error_msg}{msg}\n'
if failed_af_msg:
error_msg = f'{error_msg}----AF Check----\n'
for msg in failed_af_msg:
error_msg = f'{error_msg}{msg}\n'
return error_msg
def _check_orientation_and_flip(props, uw_img, w_img, img_name_stem):
"""Checks the sensor orientation and flips image.
The preview stream captures are flipped based on the sensor
orientation while using the front camera. In such cases, check the
sensor orientation and flip the image if needed.
props: camera properties object.
uw_img: image captured using UW lens.
w_img: image captured using W lens.
img_name_stem: prefix for the img name to be saved
numpy array of uw_img and w_img.
uw_img = (
props['android.sensor.orientation'], uw_img))
w_img = (
props['android.sensor.orientation'], w_img))
uw_img_name = f'{img_name_stem}_uw.png'
w_img_name = f'{img_name_stem}_w.png'
image_processing_utils.write_image(uw_img / _CH_FULL_SCALE, uw_img_name)
image_processing_utils.write_image(w_img / _CH_FULL_SCALE, w_img_name)
return uw_img, w_img
def _do_ae_check(uw_img, w_img, log_path, suffix):
"""Checks that the luma change is within range.
uw_img: image captured using UW lens.
w_img: image captured using W lens.
log_path: path to save the image.
suffix: str; patch suffix to be used in file name.
failed_ae_msg: Failed AE check messages if any. None otherwise.
uw_y_avg: y_avg value for UW lens
w_y_avg: y_avg value for W lens
failed_ae_msg = []
file_stem = f'{os.path.join(log_path, _NAME)}_{suffix}'
uw_y = _extract_y(
uw_img, f'{file_stem}_uw_y.png')
uw_y_avg = np.average(uw_y)
logging.debug('UW y_avg: %.4f', uw_y_avg)
w_y = _extract_y(w_img, f'{file_stem}_w_y.png')
w_y_avg = np.average(w_y)
logging.debug('W y_avg: %.4f', w_y_avg)
y_avg_change_percent = (abs(w_y_avg-uw_y_avg)/uw_y_avg)*100
logging.debug('y_avg_change_percent: %.4f', y_avg_change_percent)
if not math.isclose(uw_y_avg, w_y_avg, rel_tol=_AE_RTOL, abs_tol=_AE_ATOL):
failed_ae_msg.append('y_avg change is greater than threshold value for '
f'patch: {suffix} '
f'diff: {abs(w_y_avg-uw_y_avg):.4f} '
f'ATOL: {_AE_ATOL} '
f'RTOL: {_AE_RTOL} '
f'uw_y_avg: {uw_y_avg:.4f} '
f'w_y_avg: {w_y_avg:.4f} ')
return failed_ae_msg, uw_y_avg, w_y_avg
def _do_af_check(uw_img, w_img):
"""Checks the AF behavior between the uw and w img.
uw_img: image captured using UW lens.
w_img: image captured using W lens.
failed_af_msg: Failed AF check messages if any. None otherwise.
sharpness_uw: sharpness value for UW lens
sharpness_w: sharpness value for W lens
failed_af_msg = []
sharpness_uw = image_processing_utils.compute_image_sharpness(uw_img)
logging.debug('Sharpness for UW patch: %.2f', sharpness_uw)
sharpness_w = image_processing_utils.compute_image_sharpness(w_img)
logging.debug('Sharpness for W patch: %.2f', sharpness_w)
if sharpness_w < sharpness_uw:
failed_af_msg.append('Sharpness should be higher for W lens.'
f'sharpness_w: {sharpness_w:.4f} '
f'sharpness_uw: {sharpness_uw:.4f}')
return failed_af_msg, sharpness_uw, sharpness_w
def _do_awb_check(uw_img, w_img, cab_atol, patch_color):
"""Checks the delta Cab for UW and W img.
uw_img: image captured using UW lens.
w_img: image captured using W lens.
cab_atol: float; threshold to use for delta Cab.
patch_color: str; color of the patch to be tested.
failed_awb_msg: Failed AWB check messages if any. None otherwise.
failed_awb_msg = []
uw_l, uw_a, uw_b = _get_lab_means(uw_img, 'UW')
w_l, w_a, w_b = _get_lab_means(w_img, 'W')
# Calculate Delta Cab
cab = np.sqrt(abs(uw_a - w_a)**2 + abs(uw_b - w_b)**2)
logging.debug('delta_C: %.4f', cab)
if cab > cab_atol:
failed_awb_msg.append('Delta Cab is greater than the threshold value for '
f'patch: {patch_color} '
f'CAB_ATOL: {cab_atol} '
f'delta_cab: {cab:.4f} '
f'UW L, a, b means: {uw_l:.4f}, '
f'{uw_a:.4f}, {uw_b:.4f}'
f'W L, a, b means: {w_l:.4f}, {w_a:.4f}, {w_b:.4f}')
return failed_awb_msg
def _extract_main_patch(corners, ids, img_rgb, img_path, lens_suffix):
"""Extracts the main rectangle patch from the captured frame.
Find aruco markers in the captured image and detects if the
expected number of aruco markers have been found or not.
It then, extracts the main rectangle patch and saves it
without the aruco markers in it.
corners: list of detected corners.
ids: list of int ids for each ArUco markers in the input_img.
img_rgb: An openCV image in RGB order.
img_path: Path to save the image.
lens_suffix: str; suffix used to save the image.
rectangle_patch: numpy float image array of the rectangle patch.
rectangle_patch = opencv_processing_utils.get_patch_from_aruco_markers(
img_rgb, corners, ids)
patch_path = img_path.with_name(
image_processing_utils.write_image(rectangle_patch/_CH_FULL_SCALE, patch_path)
return rectangle_patch
def _extract_y(img_uint8, file_name):
"""Converts an RGB uint8 image to YUV and returns Y.
The Y img is saved with file_name in the test dir.
img_uint8: An openCV image in RGB order.
file_name: file name along with the path to save the image.
An openCV image converted to Y.
y_uint8 = opencv_processing_utils.convert_to_y(img_uint8, 'RGB')
y_uint8 = np.expand_dims(y_uint8, axis=2) # add plane to save image
image_processing_utils.write_image(y_uint8/_CH_FULL_SCALE, file_name)
return y_uint8
def _find_aruco_markers(img, img_path, lens_suffix):
"""Detect ArUco markers in the input image.
img: input img with ArUco markers.
img_path: path to save the image.
lens_suffix: suffix used to save the image.
corners: list of detected corners.
ids: list of int ids for each ArUco markers in the input_img.
aruco_path = img_path.with_name(
corners, ids, _ = opencv_processing_utils.find_aruco_markers(
img, aruco_path)
if len(ids) != _ARUCO_MARKERS_COUNT:
raise AssertionError(
f'{_ARUCO_MARKERS_COUNT} ArUco markers should be detected.')
return corners, ids
def _get_lab_means(img, identifier):
"""Computes the mean of L,a,b img in Cielab color space.
img: RGB img in numpy format.
identifier: str; identifier for logging statement. ie. 'UW' or 'W'
mean_l, mean_a, mean_b: mean of L, a, b channels
# Convert to Lab color space
from skimage import color # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
img_lab = color.rgb2lab(img)
mean_l = np.mean(img_lab[:, :, 0]) # Extract L* channel and get mean
mean_a = np.mean(img_lab[:, :, 1]) # Extract a* channel and get mean
mean_b = np.mean(img_lab[:, :, 2]) # Extract b* channel and get mean
logging.debug('Lens: %s, mean_l: %.2f, mean_a: %.2f, mean_b: %.2f',
identifier, mean_l, mean_a, mean_b)
return mean_l, mean_a, mean_b
def _get_four_quadrant_patches(img, img_path, lens_suffix):
"""Divides the img in 4 equal parts and returns the patches.
img: an openCV image in RGB order.
img_path: path to save the image.
lens_suffix: str; suffix used to save the image.
four_quadrant_patches: list of 4 patches.
num_rows = 2
num_columns = 2
size_x = math.floor(img.shape[1])
size_y = math.floor(img.shape[0])
four_quadrant_patches = []
for i in range(0, num_rows):
for j in range(0, num_columns):
x = size_x / num_rows * j
y = size_y / num_columns * i
h = size_y / num_columns
w = size_x / num_rows
patch = img[int(y):int(y+h), int(x):int(x+w)]
patch_path = img_path.with_name(
image_processing_utils.write_image(patch/_CH_FULL_SCALE, patch_path)
cropped_patch = patch[_PATCH_MARGIN:-_PATCH_MARGIN,
cropped_patch_path = img_path.with_name(
cropped_patch/_CH_FULL_SCALE, cropped_patch_path)
return four_quadrant_patches
def _get_slanted_edge_patch(img, img_path, lens_suffix):
"""Crops the central slanted edge part of the img and returns the patch.
img: an openCV image in RGB order.
img_path: path to save the image.
lens_suffix: str; suffix used to save the image. ie: 'w' or 'uw'.
slanted_edge_patch: list of 4 coordinates.
num_rows = 3
num_columns = 5
size_x = math.floor(img.shape[1])
size_y = math.floor(img.shape[0])
slanted_edge_patch = []
x = int(round(size_x / num_columns * (num_columns // 2), 0))
y = int(round(size_y / num_rows * (num_rows // 2), 0))
w = int(round(size_x / num_columns, 0))
h = int(round(size_y / num_rows, 0))
patch = img[y:y+h, x:x+w]
slanted_edge_patch = patch[_PATCH_MARGIN:-_PATCH_MARGIN,
filename_with_path = img_path.with_name(
slanted_edge_patch, filename_with_path
return slanted_edge_patch
class MultiCameraSwitchTest(its_base_test.ItsBaseTest):
"""Test that the switch from UW to W lens has similar RGB values.
This test uses various zoom ratios within range android.control.zoomRatioRange
to capture images and find the point when the physical camera changes
to determine the crossover point of change from UW to W.
It does preview recording at UW and W crossover point to verify that
the AE, AWB and AF behavior remains the same.
def test_multi_camera_switch(self):
with its_session_utils.ItsSession(
hidden_physical_id=self.hidden_physical_id) as cam:
props = cam.get_camera_properties()
props = cam.override_with_hidden_physical_camera_props(props)
chart_distance = self.chart_distance
failed_awb_msg = []
failed_ae_msg = []
failed_af_msg = []
# check SKIP conditions
first_api_level = its_session_utils.get_first_api_level(self.dut.serial)
first_api_level >= its_session_utils.ANDROID15_API_LEVEL and
camera_properties_utils.zoom_ratio_range(props) and
camera_properties_utils.logical_multi_camera(props) and
camera_properties_utils.ae_regions(props) and
# Check the zoom range
zoom_range = props['android.control.zoomRatioRange']
logging.debug('zoomRatioRange: %s', zoom_range)
len(zoom_range) > 1 and
(zoom_range[0] <= _ZOOM_RANGE_UW_W[0] <= zoom_range[1]) and
(zoom_range[0] <= _ZOOM_RANGE_UW_W[1] <= zoom_range[1]))
cam, props, self.scene, self.tablet, chart_distance)
# Tap tablet to remove gallery buttons
if self.tablet:
f'input tap {_TAP_COORDINATES[0]} {_TAP_COORDINATES[1]}')
preview_test_size = preview_processing_utils.get_max_preview_test_size(
cam, self.camera_id)
# Start dynamic preview recording and collect results
capture_results, file_list = (
self.dut, cam, preview_test_size, _ZOOM_RANGE_UW_W[0],
_ZOOM_RANGE_UW_W[1], _ZOOM_STEP, self.log_path)
physical_id_before = None
counter = 0 # counter for the index of crossover point result
lens_changed = False
converged_state_counter = 0
converged_state = False
for capture_result in capture_results:
counter += 1
ae_state = capture_result['android.control.aeState']
awb_state = capture_result['android.control.awbState']
af_state = capture_result['android.control.afState']
physical_id = capture_result[
if not physical_id_before:
physical_id_before = physical_id
zoom_ratio = float(capture_result['android.control.zoomRatio'])
if physical_id_before == physical_id:
logging.debug('Active physical id changed')
logging.debug('Crossover zoom ratio point: %f', zoom_ratio)
physical_id_before = physical_id
lens_changed = True
if ae_state == awb_state == af_state == _CONVERGED_STATE:
converged_state = True
converged_state_counter = counter
logging.debug('3A converged at the crossover point')
# If the frame at crossover point was not converged, then
# traverse the list of capture results after crossover point
# to find the converged frame which will be used for AE,
# AWB and AF checks.
if not converged_state:
converged_state_counter = counter
for capture_result in capture_results[converged_state_counter-1:]:
converged_state_counter += 1
ae_state = capture_result['android.control.aeState']
awb_state = capture_result['android.control.awbState']
af_state = capture_result['android.control.afState']
if physical_id_before == capture_result[
if ae_state == awb_state == af_state == _CONVERGED_STATE:
logging.debug('3A converged after crossover point.')
logging.debug('Zoom ratio at converged state after crossover'
'point: %f', zoom_ratio)
converged_state = True
except Exception as e:
# Remove all the files except mp4 recording in case of any error
for filename in os.listdir(self.log_path):
file_path = os.path.join(self.log_path, filename)
if os.path.isfile(file_path) and not filename.endswith(_MP4_FORMAT):
raise AssertionError('Error during crossover check') from e
# Raise error if lens did not switch within the range
# TODO(ruchamk): Add lens_changed to the CameraITS metrics
if not lens_changed:
e_msg = 'Crossover point not found. Try running the test again!'
raise AssertionError(e_msg)
# Raise error is 3A does not converge after the lens change
if not converged_state:
e_msg = '3A not converged after the lens change.'
raise AssertionError(e_msg)
img_uw_file = file_list[counter-2]
capture_result_uw = capture_results[counter-2]
uw_phy_id = (
physical_props_uw = cam.get_camera_properties_by_id(uw_phy_id)
min_focus_distance_uw = (
logging.debug('Min focus distance for UW phy_id: %s is %f',
uw_phy_id, min_focus_distance_uw)
logging.debug('Capture results uw crossover: %s', capture_result_uw)
logging.debug('Capture results w crossover: %s',
img_w_file = file_list[converged_state_counter-1]
capture_result_w = capture_results[converged_state_counter-1]
logging.debug('Capture results w crossover converged: %s',
w_phy_id = capture_result_w['android.logicalMultiCamera.activePhysicalId']
physical_props_w = cam.get_camera_properties_by_id(w_phy_id)
min_focus_distance_w = (
logging.debug('Min focus distance for W phy_id: %s is %f',
w_phy_id, min_focus_distance_w)
# Remove unwanted frames and only save the UW and
# W crossover point frames along with mp4 recording
its_session_utils.remove_frame_files(self.log_path, [
os.path.join(self.log_path, img_uw_file),
os.path.join(self.log_path, img_w_file)])
# Add suffix to the UW and W image files
uw_path = pathlib.Path(os.path.join(self.log_path, img_uw_file))
uw_name = uw_path.with_name(f'{uw_path.stem}_uw{uw_path.suffix}')
os.rename(os.path.join(self.log_path, img_uw_file), uw_name)
w_path = pathlib.Path(os.path.join(self.log_path, img_w_file))
w_name = w_path.with_name(f'{w_path.stem}_w{w_path.suffix}')
os.rename(os.path.join(self.log_path, img_w_file), w_name)
# Convert UW and W img to numpy array
uw_img = image_processing_utils.convert_image_to_numpy_array(
w_img = image_processing_utils.convert_image_to_numpy_array(
# Check the sensor orientation and flip image
if (props['android.lens.facing'] ==
img_name_stem = os.path.join(self.log_path, 'flipped_preview')
uw_img, w_img = _check_orientation_and_flip(
props, uw_img, w_img, img_name_stem
# Find ArUco markers in the image with UW lens
# and extract the outer box patch
corners, ids = _find_aruco_markers(uw_img, uw_path, 'uw')
uw_chart_patch = _extract_main_patch(
corners, ids, uw_img, uw_path, 'uw')
uw_four_patches = _get_four_quadrant_patches(
uw_chart_patch, uw_path, 'uw')
# Find ArUco markers in the image with W lens
# and extract the outer box patch
corners, ids = _find_aruco_markers(w_img, w_path, 'w')
w_chart_patch = _extract_main_patch(
corners, ids, w_img, w_path, 'w')
w_four_patches = _get_four_quadrant_patches(
w_chart_patch, w_path, 'w')
ae_uw_y_avgs = {}
ae_w_y_avgs = {}
for uw_patch, w_patch, patch_color in zip(
uw_four_patches, w_four_patches, _COLORS):
logging.debug('Checking for quadrant color: %s', patch_color)
# AE Check: Extract the Y component from rectangle patch
ae_msg, uw_y_avg, w_y_avg = _do_ae_check(
uw_patch, w_patch, self.log_path, patch_color)
if ae_msg:
ae_uw_y_avgs.update({patch_color: f'{uw_y_avg:.4f}'})
ae_w_y_avgs.update({patch_color: f'{w_y_avg:.4f}'})
# AWB Check : Verify that delta Cab are within the limits
cab_atol = _AWB_ATOL_L if patch_color == _COLOR_GRAY else _AWB_ATOL_AB
awb_msg = _do_awb_check(uw_patch, w_patch, cab_atol, patch_color)
if awb_msg:
# Below print statements are for logging purpose.
# Do not replace with logging.
print(f'{_NAME}_ae_uw_y_avgs: ', ae_uw_y_avgs)
print(f'{_NAME}_ae_w_y_avgs: ', ae_w_y_avgs)
# Skip the AF check FF->FF
if min_focus_distance_w == 0:
logging.debug('AF check skipped for this device.')
# AF check using slanted edge
uw_slanted_edge_patch = _get_slanted_edge_patch(
uw_chart_patch, uw_path, 'uw')
w_slanted_edge_patch = _get_slanted_edge_patch(
w_chart_patch, w_path, 'w')
failed_af_msg, sharpness_uw, sharpness_w = _do_af_check(
uw_slanted_edge_patch, w_slanted_edge_patch)
print(f'{_NAME}_uw_sharpness: {sharpness_uw:.4f}')
print(f'{_NAME}_w_sharpness: {sharpness_w:.4f}')
if failed_awb_msg or failed_ae_msg or failed_af_msg:
error_msg = _get_error_msg(failed_awb_msg, failed_ae_msg, failed_af_msg)
raise AssertionError(f'{_NAME} failed with following errors:\n'
if __name__ == '__main__':