Add tests for Linkify space characters

Verifies that Linkify excludes the following space characters:
\u00A0: no-break space
\u2000: en quad
\u2001: em quad
\u2002: en space
\u2003: em space
\u2004: three-per-em space
\u2005: four-per-em space
\u2006: six-per-em space
\u2007: figure space
\u2008: punctuation space
\u2009: thin space
\u200A: hair space
\u2028: line separator
\u2029: paragraph separator
\u202F: narrow no-break space
\u3000: ideographic space

Bug: 28020781
Change-Id: I887f72014f0aa8c191855f232eaecf2f376b3dd0
1 file changed