Update Screen Configuration Tests

Bug 2715720

Update ConfigurationTest to be flexible in regards to the new CDD
policies regarding screen sizes and resolutions by getting rid
of the static list of allowed resolutions and replacing it with
some looser checks.

Change-Id: If01457d7dd33bc58e32f1ef77552916006bb5cdf
diff --git a/tests/tests/dpi/src/android/dpi/cts/ConfigurationTest.java b/tests/tests/dpi/src/android/dpi/cts/ConfigurationTest.java
index 413f6a7..cb420a6 100644
--- a/tests/tests/dpi/src/android/dpi/cts/ConfigurationTest.java
+++ b/tests/tests/dpi/src/android/dpi/cts/ConfigurationTest.java
@@ -17,235 +17,35 @@
 package android.dpi.cts;
 import android.content.Context;
-import android.content.res.Configuration;
 import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
+import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
 import android.view.Display;
 import android.view.WindowManager;
-import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
-import java.lang.Integer;
-import java.util.EnumSet;
- * This is verifying that the device under test is running a supported
- * resolution, and is being classified as the right Screen Layout
- * Size.
+ * Test for verifying a device's screen configuration.
 public class ConfigurationTest extends AndroidTestCase {
-    private enum Density {
-        // It is important to keep these sorted
-        INVALID_LOW(Integer.MIN_VALUE, 99),
-        LOW (100, 140),
-        MEDIUM (141, 190),
-        HIGH (191, 250),
-        INVALID_HIGH(251, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+    public void testScreenConfiguration() {
+        WindowManager windowManager =
+            (WindowManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE);
+        Display display = windowManager.getDefaultDisplay();
+        DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();
+        display.getMetrics(metrics);
-        private int low;
-        private int high;
+        double xInches = (double) metrics.widthPixels / metrics.xdpi;
+        double yInches = (double) metrics.heightPixels / metrics.ydpi;
+        double diagonalInches = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xInches, 2) + Math.pow(yInches, 2));
+        assertTrue("Screen diagonal must be at least 2.5 inches: " + diagonalInches,
+                diagonalInches >= 2.5d);
-        Density(int low, int high) {
-            this.low = low;
-            this.high = high;
-        }
+        double density = 160.0d * metrics.density;
+        assertTrue("Screen density must be at least 100 dpi: " + density, density >= 100.0d);
-        public static Density findDensity(int value) {
-            Density density = INVALID_LOW;
-            for (Density d : EnumSet.range(Density.INVALID_LOW, Density.INVALID_HIGH)) {
-                if (value >= d.low && value <= d.high) {
-                    density = d;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            return density;
-        }
-    };
-    /**
-     * Holds information on the current active screen's configuration.
-     */
-    private static class ActiveScreenConfiguration {
-        private final int width;
-        private final int height;
-        private final Density density;
-        /**
-         * Create a new ActiveScreenConfiguration.
-         *
-         * @param width the width of the screen
-         * @param height the height of the screen
-         * @param density the scaling factor for DIP from standard
-         * density (160.0)
-         */
-        public ActiveScreenConfiguration(int width,
-                                         int height,
-                                         float density) {
-            // 160 DIP is the "standard" density
-            this(width, height, Density.findDensity((int) (160.0f * density)));
-        }
-        protected ActiveScreenConfiguration(int width,
-                                            int height,
-                                            Density density) {
-            this.width = width;
-            this.height = height;
-            this.density = density;
-        }
-        public Density getDensity() {
-            return density;
-        }
-        public int getWidth() {
-            return width;
-        }
-        public int getHeight() {
-            return height;
-        }
-    }
-    private static class ScreenConfiguration extends ActiveScreenConfiguration {
-        private final int screenLayout;
-        private final boolean isWide;
-        public ScreenConfiguration(int width,
-                                   int height,
-                                   Density density,
-                                   int screenLayout,
-                                   boolean isWide) {
-            super(width, height, density);
-            this.screenLayout = screenLayout;
-            this.isWide = isWide;
-        }
-        public ScreenConfiguration(int width,
-                                   int height,
-                                   Density density,
-                                   int screenLayout) {
-            this(width, height, density, screenLayout, false);
-        }
-        public int getScreenLayout() {
-            return screenLayout;
-        }
-        public boolean isWide() {
-            return isWide;
-        }
-    };
-    private static boolean areConfigsEqual(ActiveScreenConfiguration active,
-                                           ScreenConfiguration screenConfig) {
-        if (screenConfig.isWide()) {
-            // For widescreen configs, the height is fixed but the
-            // width only specifies a minimum.  But since the device
-            // can be both landscape and portrait, we have to search
-            // for which way it is.
-            if (active.getHeight() == screenConfig.getHeight()) {
-                // active height matches config height.  Make sure
-                // that the active width is at least the config width.
-                return active.getWidth() >= screenConfig.getWidth();
-            } else if (active.getWidth() == screenConfig.getHeight()) {
-                // directions are swapped
-                return active.getHeight() >= screenConfig.getWidth();
-            } else {
-                return false;
-            }
-        } else {
-            if (active.getWidth() == screenConfig.getWidth() &&
-                active.getHeight() == screenConfig.getHeight() &&
-                active.getDensity().equals(screenConfig.getDensity())) {
-                return true;
-            }
-            // It is also possible that the device is in landscape
-            // mode, which flips the active w/h.
-            if (active.getHeight() == screenConfig.getWidth() &&
-                active.getWidth() == screenConfig.getHeight() &&
-                active.getDensity().equals(screenConfig.getDensity())) {
-                return true;
-            }
-            // nope.
-            return false;
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Here's the current configuration table:
-     *
-     * Resoluion | Density          | Size
-     * QVGA      | low (100-140)    | small
-     * WQVGA     | low (100-140)    | normal
-     * HVGA      | medium (141-190) | normal
-     * WVGA      | high (191-250)   | normal
-     * FWVGA     | high (191-250)   | normal
-     * WSVGA     | high (191-250)   | large
-     * VGA       | medium (141-190) | large
-     * WVGA      | medium (141-190) | large
-     * FWVGA     | medium (141-190) | large
-     *
-     * Any changes to allow additional resolutions will need to update this table
-     */
-    private static final ScreenConfiguration[] SUPPORTED_SCREEN_CONFIGS = {
-        // QVGA      | low (100-140)    | small
-        new ScreenConfiguration(240, 320, Density.LOW, Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_SMALL),
-        // WQVGA     | low (100-140)    | normal
-        new ScreenConfiguration(240, 400, Density.LOW, Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_NORMAL),
-        // HVGA      | medium (141-190) | normal
-        new ScreenConfiguration(480, 320, Density.MEDIUM, Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_NORMAL),
-        new ScreenConfiguration(640, 240, Density.MEDIUM, Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_NORMAL),
-        // WVGA      | high (191-250)   | normal
-        new ScreenConfiguration(640, 480, Density.HIGH, Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_NORMAL, true),
-        // FWVGA     | high (191-250)   | normal
-        new ScreenConfiguration(864, 480, Density.HIGH, Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_NORMAL),
-        // WSVGA     | high (191-250)   | large
-        new ScreenConfiguration(1024, 600, Density.HIGH, Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_LARGE),
-        // VGA       | medium (141-190) | large
-        new ScreenConfiguration(640, 480, Density.MEDIUM, Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_LARGE),
-        // WVGA      | medium (141-190) | large
-        new ScreenConfiguration(640, 480, Density.MEDIUM, Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_LARGE, true),
-        // FWVGA     | medium (141-190) | large
-        new ScreenConfiguration(864, 480, Density.MEDIUM, Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_LARGE),
-    };
-    private ActiveScreenConfiguration getCurrentScreenConfig() {
-        WindowManager wm = (WindowManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE);
-        Display display = wm.getDefaultDisplay();
-        DisplayMetrics dm = new DisplayMetrics();
-        display.getMetrics(dm);
-        return new ActiveScreenConfiguration(display.getWidth(),
-                                             display.getHeight(),
-                                             dm.density);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Get the current screen configuration, make sure it is a
-     * supported screen configuration and that the screenlayout size
-     * is being set correctly according to the compatibility
-     * definition.
-     */
-    public void testScreenLayoutSize() {
-        ActiveScreenConfiguration currentScreenConfig = getCurrentScreenConfig();
-        // Make sure we have a valid density for the current screent.
-        assertFalse(Density.INVALID_LOW.equals(currentScreenConfig.getDensity()));
-        assertFalse(Density.INVALID_HIGH.equals(currentScreenConfig.getDensity()));
-        // Look up the ScreenConfig in the supported table and make
-        // sure we find a match.
-        for (ScreenConfiguration screenConfig: SUPPORTED_SCREEN_CONFIGS) {
-            if (areConfigsEqual(currentScreenConfig, screenConfig)) {
-                Configuration config = getContext().getResources().getConfiguration();
-                int size = config.screenLayout & Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK;
-                if (screenConfig.getScreenLayout() == size) {
-                    // we have a match, this is a supported device.
-                    return;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        fail("Current screen configuration is not supported.");
+        double aspectRatio = (double) Math.max(metrics.widthPixels, metrics.heightPixels)
+                / (double) Math.min(metrics.widthPixels, metrics.heightPixels);
+        assertTrue("Aspect ratio must be between 1.333 (4:3) and 1.779 (16:9): " + aspectRatio,
+                aspectRatio >= 1.333d && aspectRatio <= 1.779d);