Add a window title for the focused window to support multitasking cases

TC has the assumption that there is only one applicaiton window which is WindowQueryActivity and will be full screen.
So Assert the expected window title and the counts in our expected window

Bug: 206079182
Bug: 209664920
Test: run cts -m CtsAutoFillServiceTestCases -m android.autofillservice.cts.dropdown.LoginActivityTest#testNoContainers

Change-Id: I9f43a4105f9dc056c9a17796ebea2523135d549a
Merged-In: Id24c8e8a746f82b495e0520f5a1995a4a495272b
(cherry picked from commit 385b9883b061a3633aee9eeefb7d131704fcbb85)
3 files changed