Verify canRead() is false for /storage/emulated

BUG: 156904093
Test: atest ScopedStorageHostTest#testAccess_directoryTest

Change-Id: Ib5e910ce92bdfe2666e5c7d350748cc7e8eeea7c
Merged-In: Ib5e910ce92bdfe2666e5c7d350748cc7e8eeea7c
(cherry picked from commit 620ec9543fcc2e07953f099a4f63581c9c00816c)
diff --git a/hostsidetests/scopedstorage/src/android/scopedstorage/cts/ b/hostsidetests/scopedstorage/src/android/scopedstorage/cts/
index 54ce150..9ba6406 100644
--- a/hostsidetests/scopedstorage/src/android/scopedstorage/cts/
+++ b/hostsidetests/scopedstorage/src/android/scopedstorage/cts/
@@ -1979,6 +1979,8 @@
         final File downloadDir = getDownloadDir();
         final File otherAppPdf = new File(downloadDir, "other-" + NONMEDIA_FILE_NAME);
+        final File shellPdfAtRoot = new File(getExternalStorageDir(),
+                "shell-" + NONMEDIA_FILE_NAME);
         final File otherAppImage = new File(getDcimDir(), "other-" + IMAGE_FILE_NAME);
         final File myAppPdf = new File(downloadDir, "my-" + NONMEDIA_FILE_NAME);
         final File doesntExistPdf = new File(downloadDir, "nada-" + NONMEDIA_FILE_NAME);
@@ -1993,14 +1995,21 @@
-            // We can read the other app's image file because we hold R_E_S, but we can only
-            // check exists for the pdf file.
+            // We can read the other app's image file because we hold R_E_S, but we can
+            // check only exists for the pdf files.
             assertAccess(doesntExistPdf, false, false, false);
+            // We can check only exists for another app's files on root.
+            // Use shell to create root file because TEST_APP_A is in
+            // scoped storage.
+            executeShellCommand("touch " + shellPdfAtRoot.getAbsolutePath());
+            assertFileAccess_existsOnly(shellPdfAtRoot);
         } finally {
             deleteFileAsNoThrow(TEST_APP_A, otherAppPdf.getAbsolutePath());
             deleteFileAsNoThrow(TEST_APP_A, otherAppImage.getAbsolutePath());
+            executeShellCommand("rm " + shellPdfAtRoot.getAbsolutePath());
@@ -2024,17 +2033,17 @@
             // We cannot read or write the file, but app A can.
-            assertCannotAccessOtherAppFile(otherAppExternalDataFile);
+            assertCannotReadOrWrite(otherAppExternalDataFile);
             // We cannot read or write the dir, but app A can.
-            assertCannotAccessOtherAppFile(otherAppExternalDataDir);
+            assertCannotReadOrWrite(otherAppExternalDataDir);
             // We cannot read or write the sub dir, but app A can.
-            assertCannotAccessOtherAppFile(otherAppExternalDataSubDir);
+            assertCannotReadOrWrite(otherAppExternalDataSubDir);
             // We can read and write our own app dir, but app A cannot.
@@ -2045,6 +2054,7 @@
             assertDirectoryAccess(getExternalStorageDir(), true);
             assertDirectoryAccess(new File(getExternalStorageDir(), "Android"), true);
             assertDirectoryAccess(new File(getExternalStorageDir(), "doesnt/exist"), false);
+            assertCannotReadOrWrite(new File("/storage/emulated"));
         } finally {
             uninstallApp(TEST_APP_A); // Uninstalling deletes external app dirs
@@ -2747,7 +2757,7 @@
         assertAccess(file, exists, canRead, canWrite, true /* checkExists */);
-    private static void assertCannotAccessOtherAppFile(File file)
+    private static void assertCannotReadOrWrite(File file)
             throws Exception {
         // App data directories have different 'x' bits on upgrading vs new devices. Let's not
         // check 'exists', by passing checkExists=false. But assert this app cannot read or write