Support for multiple TaskDisplayAreas in ToastTest

The Test: testCustomToastBlocked_whenBehindTranslucent
does not take into account that in a multi-window environment,
new Tasks can be opened in different TaskDisplayAreas.
(With CtsActivity on one TaskDisplayArea and TranslucentActivity
on another, the Toast launched for CtsActivity is visible)

Ensure that TranslucentActivity is opened on top of CtsActivity,
in the same Task and same TaskDisplayArea by removing
FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK and using the Context from CtsActivity.

Bug: 192589485
Test: run cts -m CtsWidgetTestCases -t android.widget.cts.

Signed-off-by: Dragos <>
Change-Id: I6d1778013ad6e27ea58d4be1425ba02fc582a378
(cherry picked from commit 98b79a6b985ac315fe9d8c3e4c618072a0797b91)
1 file changed