Improved TestSystemIntents to show all missing intents in case of failure.


4 expectations failed:
  1. API intent Intent { act=android.settings.IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATION_SETTINGS } not implemented by any activity
     expected not to be: null
  2. API intent Intent { act=android.settings.REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS dat=package:android.systemintents.cts } not implemented by any activity
     expected not to be: null
  3. API intent Intent { act=android.settings.IGNORE_BACKGROUND_DATA_RESTRICTIONS_SETTINGS dat=package:android.systemintents.cts } not implemented by any activity
     expected not to be: null
  4. API intent Intent { act=android.settings.APN_SETTINGS } not implemented by any activity
     expected not to be: null

Test: atest CtsSystemIntentTestCases
Bug: 159154447

Exempt-From-Owner-Approval: simple test improvement; owners OOO

Change-Id: I553c185961a25a42da9d2980c513cd80d6864b68
1 file changed