Adjust 480p ratio range in

matchPreviewRecordSize() function check the supported preview size.
If there is no matched size then find one with similar ratio.
However, The formula is not enough to check 480p's range.
formula at function matchPreviewRecordSize() at is like below. 

Math.abs((float)mPreviewSizes.get(i).width * recordSize.height /
mPreviewSizes.get(i).height / recordSize.width - 1) < 0.1

In the android developer site, 480p could have 640, 704 and 720 horizontal resolution.
But, when assign to 640 in PreviewSize, we got false.
| 640 * 480 / 720 / 480 - 1 | = 0.1111 < 0.1

So, I Adjust the value to include from 640x480 to 720x480 resolution.

Change-Id: I9ab050d4653d66a774d6c046c165e0be7f20d091
Signed-off-by: Yoongeun Kwon <>
1 file changed