Remove custom timeout from CtsOpenGlPerf2TestCases

Default of 5 minutes is fine; on a properly behaving device, the whole
suite of 9 tests should take around 2 minutes, so this is an OK margin.

Bug: b/115587000
Test: manually tested on Pixel
Change-Id: Ifa47baf1145d7e569fe0ab4f5013f54fafcdaea5
diff --git a/tests/openglperf2/AndroidTest.xml b/tests/openglperf2/AndroidTest.xml
index 4ac0455..c0612be 100644
--- a/tests/openglperf2/AndroidTest.xml
+++ b/tests/openglperf2/AndroidTest.xml
@@ -23,7 +23,5 @@
     <test class="" >
         <option name="package" value="android.opengl2.cts" />
         <option name="runtime-hint" value="4m" />
-        <!-- test-timeout unit is ms, value = 100 min -->
-        <option name="test-timeout" value="6000000" />