Fix WindowInsetsControllerTests on the large screen device.

During the test, an activity (TestHideOnCreateActivity) with editText will be opened, and then the status of the navigation bar will be detected. For the Pixel devices, the test will pass and won't popup the soft-keyboard. Howerver, for the large screen device such as the tablet project will popup the soft-keyboard with showing navgation bar, which is different from what is expected.

This unexpected soft-keyboard showing behavior is because in InputMethodManagerServie side has "doAutoShow" behavior to show soft-keyboard when the window without specifying softInputMode (i.e. SOFT_INPUT_STATE_UNSPECIFIED) on the large screen device.

Bug: 202553965
Bug: 202562037
Bug: 204411877
Bug: 205495886
Test: run cts -m CtsWindowManagerDeviceTestCases -t android.server.wm.WindowInsetsControllerTests#testWindowInsetsController_availableAfterAddView

Signed-off-by: weijie shao <>
Change-Id: I49fa11ae38ca4b9d1c74464fceb24700c29e4f28
1 file changed