Test that createBitmap(65535,65535) throws OOME

Bug: 33846679
Test: this

A Java GIF decoder (e.g. FrameSequence) may attempt to create a large
Bitmap (up to the maximum GIF size of 65535 x 65535). Test that we throw
OOME, which corresponds to the old code when Bitmap pixel memory was
allocated from Java/JNI (instead of creating a null Bitmap and then
throwing a NullPointerException inside createBitmap).

Merged-In: I6ab6cb7a3b3151641a9f9b02b0bfc484e0a4524b
Change-Id: I6ab6cb7a3b3151641a9f9b02b0bfc484e0a4524b
(cherry picked from commit 929b43e46db05edd4d0d227bddbdcf9df4fb0268)
(cherry picked from commit a59b3ee79429f37033bb543bbc6270bc7a1e22e9)
1 file changed