Merge \\\\\"Merge \\\\\\"Merge \\\\\\\"Merge \\\\\\\\"DO NOT MERGE: This test verifies recursive decoding of malformed ICO file which should not lead to skia buffer overflow\\\\\\\\" into kitkat-cts-dev am: 02c2dcc225  -s ours\\\\\\\" into lollipop-cts-dev am: 48183e542b  -s ours\\\\\\" into lollipop-mr1-cts-dev am: 1adca0d52b  -s ours\\\\\" into marshmallow-cts-dev am: f0f9e5b49a  -s ours am: 59cd6a8449 am: 2e38a8d70e am: 1bfb039bbe
am: 44809a17f7  -s ours

Change-Id: I71e08e683159c73c9c4524c174134a3fd8bb00de