Fix bug #8656546 API REVIEW: android.text.bidi / android.text

- clean BidiFormatter APIs

Change-Id: Idb7df931d73d6b51eb22940cd0fff445eba52f0f
diff --git a/tests/tests/text/src/android/text/bidi/cts/ b/tests/tests/text/src/android/text/bidi/cts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 198a52f..0000000
--- a/tests/tests/text/src/android/text/bidi/cts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,422 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package android.text.bidi.cts;
-import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
-import android.text.TextDirectionHeuristics;
-import android.text.bidi.BidiFormatter;
-import java.util.Locale;
-public class BidiFormatterTest extends AndroidTestCase {
-    private static final BidiFormatter LTR_FMT = BidiFormatter.getInstance(false /* LTR context */);
-    private static final BidiFormatter RTL_FMT = BidiFormatter.getInstance(true /* RTL context */);
-    private static final BidiFormatter LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET =
-            new BidiFormatter.Builder(false /* LTR context */).stereoReset(false).build();
-    private static final BidiFormatter RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET =
-            new BidiFormatter.Builder(true /* RTL context */).stereoReset(false).build();
-    private static final String EN = "abba";
-    private static final String HE = "\u05e0\u05e1";
-    private static final String LRM = "\u200E";
-    private static final String RLM = "\u200F";
-    private static final String LRE = "\u202A";
-    private static final String RLE = "\u202B";
-    private static final String PDF = "\u202C";
-    private static final String LEFT = "left";
-    private static final String RIGHT = "right";
-    public void testIsRtlContext() {
-        assertEquals(false, LTR_FMT.isRtlContext());
-        assertEquals(true, RTL_FMT.isRtlContext());
-        assertEquals(false, BidiFormatter.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH).isRtlContext());
-        assertEquals(true, BidiFormatter.getInstance(true).isRtlContext());
-    }
-    public void testBuilderIsRtlContext() {
-        assertEquals(false, new BidiFormatter.Builder(false).build().isRtlContext());
-        assertEquals(true, new BidiFormatter.Builder(true).build().isRtlContext());
-    }
-    public void testIsRtl() {
-        assertEquals(true, BidiFormatter.getInstance(true).isRtl(HE));
-        assertEquals(true, BidiFormatter.getInstance(false).isRtl(HE));
-        assertEquals(false, BidiFormatter.getInstance(true).isRtl(EN));
-        assertEquals(false, BidiFormatter.getInstance(false).isRtl(EN));
-    }
-    public void testDirAttrValue() {
-        assertEquals("ltr", LTR_FMT.dirAttrValue(EN));
-        assertEquals("ltr", RTL_FMT.dirAttrValue(EN));
-        assertEquals("rtl", LTR_FMT.dirAttrValue(HE));
-        assertEquals("rtl", RTL_FMT.dirAttrValue(HE));
-        assertEquals("ltr", LTR_FMT.dirAttrValue(EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("rtl", LTR_FMT.dirAttrValue(EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-        assertEquals("ltr", RTL_FMT.dirAttrValue(EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("rtl", RTL_FMT.dirAttrValue(EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-        assertEquals("ltr", LTR_FMT.dirAttrValue(HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("rtl", LTR_FMT.dirAttrValue(HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-        assertEquals("ltr", RTL_FMT.dirAttrValue(HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("rtl", RTL_FMT.dirAttrValue(HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-        assertEquals("ltr", LTR_FMT.dirAttrValue("", TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("rtl", LTR_FMT.dirAttrValue("", TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-        assertEquals("ltr", RTL_FMT.dirAttrValue("", TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("rtl", RTL_FMT.dirAttrValue("", TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-    }
-    public void testDirAttr() {
-        assertEquals("", LTR_FMT.dirAttr(EN));
-        assertEquals("dir=\"ltr\"", RTL_FMT.dirAttr(EN));
-        assertEquals("dir=\"rtl\"", LTR_FMT.dirAttr(HE));
-        assertEquals("", RTL_FMT.dirAttr(HE));
-        assertEquals("", LTR_FMT.dirAttr(".", TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("dir=\"ltr\"", RTL_FMT.dirAttr(".", TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("dir=\"rtl\"", LTR_FMT.dirAttr(".", TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-        assertEquals("", RTL_FMT.dirAttr(".", TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-    }
-    public void testMarkAfter() {
-        assertEquals("uniform dir matches LTR context",
-                "", LTR_FMT.markAfter(EN));
-        assertEquals("uniform dir matches RTL context",
-                "", RTL_FMT.markAfter(HE));
-        assertEquals("exit dir opposite to LTR context",
-                LRM, LTR_FMT.markAfter(EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("exit dir opposite to RTL context",
-                RLM, RTL_FMT.markAfter(HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-        assertEquals("overall dir (but not exit dir) opposite to LTR context",
-                LRM, LTR_FMT.markAfter(HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-        assertEquals("overall dir (but not exit dir) opposite to RTL context",
-                RLM, RTL_FMT.markAfter(EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("exit dir neutral, overall dir matches LTR context",
-                "", LTR_FMT.markAfter(".", TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("exit dir neutral, overall dir matches RTL context",
-                "", RTL_FMT.markAfter(".", TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-    }
-    public void testMarkBefore() {
-        assertEquals("uniform dir matches LTR context",
-                "", LTR_FMT.markBefore(EN));
-        assertEquals("uniform dir matches RTL context",
-                "", RTL_FMT.markBefore(HE));
-        assertEquals("entry dir opposite to LTR context",
-                LRM, LTR_FMT.markBefore(HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("entry dir opposite to RTL context",
-                RLM, RTL_FMT.markBefore(EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-        assertEquals("overall dir (but not entry dir) opposite to LTR context",
-                LRM, LTR_FMT.markBefore(EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-        assertEquals("overall dir (but not entry dir) opposite to RTL context",
-                RLM, RTL_FMT.markBefore(HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("exit dir neutral, overall dir matches LTR context",
-                "", LTR_FMT.markBefore(".", TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("exit dir neutral, overall dir matches RTL context",
-                "", RTL_FMT.markBefore(".", TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-    }
-    public void testMark() {
-        assertEquals(LRM, LTR_FMT.mark());
-        assertEquals(RLM, RTL_FMT.mark());
-    }
-    public void testStartEdge() {
-        assertEquals(LEFT, LTR_FMT.startEdge());
-        assertEquals(RIGHT, RTL_FMT.startEdge());
-    }
-    public void testEndEdge() {
-        assertEquals(RIGHT, LTR_FMT.endEdge());
-        assertEquals(LEFT, RTL_FMT.endEdge());
-    }
-    public void testUnicodeWrap() {
-        // Uniform directionality in opposite context.
-        assertEquals("uniform dir opposite to LTR context",
-                RLE + "." + HE + "." + PDF + LRM,
-                LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap("." + HE + "."));
-        assertEquals("uniform dir opposite to LTR context, stereo reset",
-                LRM + RLE + "." + HE + "." + PDF + LRM,
-                LTR_FMT.unicodeWrap("." + HE + "."));
-        assertEquals("uniform dir opposite to LTR context, stereo reset, no isolation",
-                RLE + "." + HE + "." + PDF,
-                LTR_FMT.unicodeWrap("." + HE + ".", false));
-        assertEquals("neutral treated as opposite to LTR context",
-                RLE + "." + PDF + LRM,
-                LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap(".", TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-        assertEquals("uniform dir opposite to RTL context",
-                LRE + "." + EN + "." + PDF + RLM,
-                RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap("." + EN + "."));
-        assertEquals("uniform dir opposite to RTL context, stereo reset",
-                RLM + LRE + "." + EN + "." + PDF + RLM,
-                RTL_FMT.unicodeWrap("." + EN + "."));
-        assertEquals("uniform dir opposite to RTL context, stereo reset, no isolation",
-                LRE + "." + EN + "." + PDF,
-                RTL_FMT.unicodeWrap("." + EN + ".", false));
-        assertEquals("neutral treated as opposite to RTL context",
-                LRE + "." + PDF + RLM,
-                RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap(".", TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        // We test mixed-directionality cases only with an explicit overall directionality parameter
-        // because the estimation logic is outside the sphere of BidiFormatter, and different
-        // estimators will treat them differently.
-        // Overall directionality matching context, but with opposite exit directionality.
-        assertEquals("exit dir opposite to LTR context",
-                EN + HE + LRM,
-                LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap(EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("exit dir opposite to LTR context, stereo reset",
-                EN + HE + LRM,
-                LTR_FMT.unicodeWrap(EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("exit dir opposite to LTR context, stereo reset, no isolation",
-                EN + HE,
-                LTR_FMT.unicodeWrap(EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR, false));
-        assertEquals("exit dir opposite to RTL context",
-                HE + EN + RLM,
-                RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap(HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-        assertEquals("exit dir opposite to RTL context, stereo reset",
-                HE + EN + RLM,
-                RTL_FMT.unicodeWrap(HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-        assertEquals("exit dir opposite to RTL context, stereo reset, no isolation",
-                HE + EN,
-                RTL_FMT.unicodeWrap(HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL, false));
-        // Overall directionality matching context, but with opposite entry directionality.
-        assertEquals("entry dir opposite to LTR context",
-                HE + EN,
-                LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap(HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("entry dir opposite to LTR context, stereo reset",
-                LRM + HE + EN,
-                LTR_FMT.unicodeWrap(HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("entry dir opposite to LTR context, stereo reset, no isolation",
-                HE + EN,
-                LTR_FMT.unicodeWrap(HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR, false));
-        assertEquals("entry dir opposite to RTL context",
-                EN + HE,
-                RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap(EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-        assertEquals("entry dir opposite to RTL context, stereo reset",
-                RLM + EN + HE,
-                RTL_FMT.unicodeWrap(EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-        assertEquals("entry dir opposite to RTL context, stereo reset, no isolation",
-                EN + HE,
-                RTL_FMT.unicodeWrap(EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL, false));
-        // Overall directionality matching context, but with opposite entry and exit directionality.
-        assertEquals("entry and exit dir opposite to LTR context",
-                HE + EN + HE + LRM,
-                LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap(HE + EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("entry and exit dir opposite to LTR context, stereo reset",
-                LRM + HE + EN + HE + LRM,
-                LTR_FMT.unicodeWrap(HE + EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("entry and exit dir opposite to LTR context, no isolation",
-                HE + EN + HE,
-                LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap(HE + EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR, false));
-        assertEquals("entry and exit dir opposite to RTL context",
-                EN + HE + EN + RLM,
-                RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap(EN + HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-        assertEquals("entry and exit dir opposite to RTL context, no isolation",
-                EN + HE + EN,
-                RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap(EN + HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL, false));
-        // Entry and exit directionality matching context, but with opposite overall directionality.
-        assertEquals("overall dir (but not entry or exit dir) opposite to LTR context",
-                RLE + EN + HE + EN + PDF + LRM,
-                LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap(EN + HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-        assertEquals("overall dir (but not entry or exit dir) opposite to LTR context, stereo reset",
-                LRM + RLE + EN + HE + EN + PDF + LRM,
-                LTR_FMT.unicodeWrap(EN + HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-        assertEquals("overall dir (but not entry or exit dir) opposite to LTR context, no isolation",
-                RLE + EN + HE + EN + PDF,
-                LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap(EN + HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL, false));
-        assertEquals("overall dir (but not entry or exit dir) opposite to RTL context",
-                LRE + HE + EN + HE + PDF + RLM,
-                RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap(HE + EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("overall dir (but not entry or exit dir) opposite to RTL context, stereo reset",
-                RLM + LRE + HE + EN + HE + PDF + RLM,
-                RTL_FMT.unicodeWrap(HE + EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("overall dir (but not entry or exit dir) opposite to RTL context, no isolation",
-                LRE + HE + EN + HE + PDF,
-                RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap(HE + EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR, false));
-    }
-    public void testSpanWrap() {
-        // Uniform directionality in matching context.
-        assertEquals("uniform dir matches LTR context",
-                "&amp; " + EN + "&lt;", LTR_FMT.spanWrap("& " + EN + "<"));
-        assertEquals("neutral treated as matching LTR context",
-                ".", LTR_FMT.spanWrap(".", TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("uniform dir matches RTL context",
-                "&amp; " + HE + "&lt;", RTL_FMT.spanWrap("& " + HE + "<"));
-        assertEquals("neutral treated as matching RTL context",
-                ".", RTL_FMT.spanWrap(".", TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-        // Uniform directionality in opposite context.
-        assertEquals("uniform dir opposite to LTR context",
-                "<span dir=\"rtl\">." + HE + ".</span>" + LRM,
-                LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET.spanWrap("." + HE + "."));
-        assertEquals("uniform dir opposite to LTR context, stereo reset",
-                LRM + "<span dir=\"rtl\">." + HE + ".</span>" + LRM,
-                LTR_FMT.spanWrap("." + HE + "."));
-        assertEquals("uniform dir opposite to LTR context, no isolation",
-                "<span dir=\"rtl\">." + HE + ".</span>",
-                LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET.spanWrap("." + HE + ".", false));
-        assertEquals("uniform dir opposite to LTR context, stereo reset, no isolation",
-                "<span dir=\"rtl\">." + HE + ".</span>",
-                LTR_FMT.spanWrap("." + HE + ".", false));
-        assertEquals("neutral treated as opposite to LTR context",
-                "<span dir=\"rtl\">" + "." + "</span>" + LRM,
-                LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET.spanWrap(".", TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-        assertEquals("uniform dir opposite to RTL context",
-                "<span dir=\"ltr\">." + EN + ".</span>" + RLM,
-                RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET.spanWrap("." + EN + "."));
-        assertEquals("uniform dir opposite to RTL context, stereo reset",
-                RLM + "<span dir=\"ltr\">." + EN + ".</span>" + RLM,
-                RTL_FMT.spanWrap("." + EN + "."));
-        assertEquals("uniform dir opposite to RTL context, no isolation",
-                "<span dir=\"ltr\">." + EN + ".</span>",
-                RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET.spanWrap("." + EN + ".", false));
-        assertEquals("uniform dir opposite to RTL context, stereo reset, no isolation",
-                "<span dir=\"ltr\">." + EN + ".</span>",
-                RTL_FMT.spanWrap("." + EN + ".", false));
-        assertEquals("neutral treated as opposite to RTL context",
-                "<span dir=\"ltr\">" + "." + "</span>" + RLM,
-                RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET.spanWrap(".", TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        // We test mixed-directionality cases only with an explicit overall directionality parameter
-        // because the estimation logic is outside the sphere of BidiFormatter, and different
-        // estimators will treat them differently.
-        // Overall directionality matching context, but with opposite exit directionality.
-        assertEquals("exit dir opposite to LTR context",
-                EN + HE + LRM,
-                LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET.spanWrap(EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("exit dir opposite to LTR context, stereo reset",
-                EN + HE + LRM,
-                LTR_FMT.spanWrap(EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("exit dir opposite to LTR context, no isolation",
-                EN + HE,
-                LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET.spanWrap(EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR, false));
-        assertEquals("exit dir opposite to LTR context, stereo reset, no isolation",
-                EN + HE,
-                LTR_FMT.spanWrap(EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR, false));
-        assertEquals("exit dir opposite to RTL context",
-                HE + EN + RLM,
-                RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET.spanWrap(HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-        assertEquals("exit dir opposite to RTL context, stereo reset",
-                HE + EN + RLM,
-                RTL_FMT.spanWrap(HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-        assertEquals("exit dir opposite to RTL context, no isolation",
-                HE + EN,
-                RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET.spanWrap(HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL, false));
-        assertEquals("exit dir opposite to RTL context, stereo reset, no isolation",
-                HE + EN,
-                RTL_FMT.spanWrap( HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL, false));
-        // Overall directionality matching context, but with opposite entry directionality.
-        assertEquals("entry dir opposite to LTR context",
-                HE + EN,
-                LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET.spanWrap(HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("entry dir opposite to LTR context, stereo reset",
-                LRM + HE + EN,
-                LTR_FMT.spanWrap(HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("entry dir opposite to LTR context, no isolation",
-                HE + EN,
-                LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET.spanWrap(HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR, false));
-        assertEquals("entry dir opposite to LTR context, stereo reset, no isolation",
-                HE + EN,
-                LTR_FMT.spanWrap(HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR, false));
-        assertEquals("entry dir opposite to RTL context",
-                EN + HE,
-                RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET.spanWrap(EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-        assertEquals("entry dir opposite to RTL context, stereo reset",
-                RLM + EN + HE,
-                RTL_FMT.spanWrap(EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-        assertEquals("entry dir opposite to RTL context, no isolation",
-                EN + HE,
-                RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET.spanWrap(EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL, false));
-        assertEquals("entry dir opposite to RTL context, stereo reset, no isolation",
-                EN + HE,
-                RTL_FMT.spanWrap(EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL, false));
-        // Overall directionality matching context, but with opposite entry and exit directionality.
-        assertEquals("entry and exit dir opposite to LTR context",
-                HE + EN + HE + LRM,
-                LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET.spanWrap(HE + EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("entry and exit dir opposite to LTR context, stereo reset",
-                LRM + HE + EN + HE + LRM,
-                LTR_FMT.spanWrap(HE + EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("entry and exit dir opposite to LTR context, no isolation",
-                HE + EN + HE,
-                LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET.spanWrap(HE + EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR, false));
-        assertEquals("entry and exit dir opposite to RTL context",
-                EN + HE + EN + RLM,
-                RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET.spanWrap(EN + HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-        assertEquals("entry and exit dir opposite to RTL context, stereo reset",
-                RLM + EN + HE + EN + RLM,
-                RTL_FMT.spanWrap(EN + HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-        assertEquals("entry and exit dir opposite to RTL context, no isolation",
-                EN + HE + EN,
-                RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET.spanWrap(EN + HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL, false));
-        // Entry and exit directionality matching context, but with opposite overall directionality.
-        assertEquals("overall dir (but not entry or exit dir) opposite to LTR context",
-                "<span dir=\"rtl\">" + EN + HE + EN + "</span>" + LRM,
-                LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET.spanWrap(EN + HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-        assertEquals("overall dir (but not entry or exit dir) opposite to LTR context, stereo reset",
-                LRM + "<span dir=\"rtl\">" + EN + HE + EN + "</span>" + LRM,
-                LTR_FMT.spanWrap(EN + HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
-        assertEquals("overall dir (but not entry or exit dir) opposite to LTR context, no isolation",
-                "<span dir=\"rtl\">" + EN + HE + EN + "</span>",
-                LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET.spanWrap(EN + HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL, false));
-        assertEquals("overall dir (but not entry or exit dir) opposite to RTL context",
-                "<span dir=\"ltr\">" + HE + EN + HE + "</span>" + RLM,
-                RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET.spanWrap(HE + EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("overall dir (but not entry or exit dir) opposite to RTL context, stereo reset",
-                RLM + "<span dir=\"ltr\">" + HE + EN + HE + "</span>" + RLM,
-                RTL_FMT.spanWrap(HE + EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
-        assertEquals("overall dir (but not entry or exit dir) opposite to RTL context, no isolation",
-                "<span dir=\"ltr\">" + HE + EN + HE + "</span>",
-                RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET.spanWrap(HE + EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR, false));
-    }
diff --git a/tests/tests/text/src/android/text/cts/ b/tests/tests/text/src/android/text/cts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..645ab5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tests/text/src/android/text/cts/
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package android.text.cts;
+import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
+import android.text.BidiFormatter;
+import android.text.TextDirectionHeuristics;
+import java.util.Locale;
+public class BidiFormatterTest extends AndroidTestCase {
+    private static final BidiFormatter LTR_FMT = BidiFormatter.getInstance(false /* LTR context */);
+    private static final BidiFormatter RTL_FMT = BidiFormatter.getInstance(true /* RTL context */);
+    private static final BidiFormatter LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET =
+            new BidiFormatter.Builder(false /* LTR context */).stereoReset(false).build();
+    private static final BidiFormatter RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET =
+            new BidiFormatter.Builder(true /* RTL context */).stereoReset(false).build();
+    private static final String EN = "abba";
+    private static final String HE = "\u05e0\u05e1";
+    private static final String LRM = "\u200E";
+    private static final String RLM = "\u200F";
+    private static final String LRE = "\u202A";
+    private static final String RLE = "\u202B";
+    private static final String PDF = "\u202C";
+    public void testIsRtlContext() {
+        assertEquals(false, LTR_FMT.isRtlContext());
+        assertEquals(true, RTL_FMT.isRtlContext());
+        assertEquals(false, BidiFormatter.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH).isRtlContext());
+        assertEquals(true, BidiFormatter.getInstance(true).isRtlContext());
+    }
+    public void testBuilderIsRtlContext() {
+        assertEquals(false, new BidiFormatter.Builder(false).build().isRtlContext());
+        assertEquals(true, new BidiFormatter.Builder(true).build().isRtlContext());
+    }
+    public void testIsRtl() {
+        assertEquals(true, BidiFormatter.getInstance(true).isRtl(HE));
+        assertEquals(true, BidiFormatter.getInstance(false).isRtl(HE));
+        assertEquals(false, BidiFormatter.getInstance(true).isRtl(EN));
+        assertEquals(false, BidiFormatter.getInstance(false).isRtl(EN));
+    }
+    public void testMarkAfter() {
+        assertEquals("uniform dir matches LTR context",
+                "", LTR_FMT.markAfter(EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
+        assertEquals("uniform dir matches RTL context",
+                "", RTL_FMT.markAfter(HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
+        assertEquals("exit dir opposite to LTR context",
+                LRM, LTR_FMT.markAfter(EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
+        assertEquals("exit dir opposite to RTL context",
+                RLM, RTL_FMT.markAfter(HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
+        assertEquals("overall dir (but not exit dir) opposite to LTR context",
+                LRM, LTR_FMT.markAfter(HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
+        assertEquals("overall dir (but not exit dir) opposite to RTL context",
+                RLM, RTL_FMT.markAfter(EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
+        assertEquals("exit dir neutral, overall dir matches LTR context",
+                "", LTR_FMT.markAfter(".", TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
+        assertEquals("exit dir neutral, overall dir matches RTL context",
+                "", RTL_FMT.markAfter(".", TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
+    }
+    public void testMarkBefore() {
+        assertEquals("uniform dir matches LTR context",
+                "", LTR_FMT.markBefore(EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
+        assertEquals("uniform dir matches RTL context",
+                "", RTL_FMT.markBefore(HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
+        assertEquals("entry dir opposite to LTR context",
+                LRM, LTR_FMT.markBefore(HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
+        assertEquals("entry dir opposite to RTL context",
+                RLM, RTL_FMT.markBefore(EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
+        assertEquals("overall dir (but not entry dir) opposite to LTR context",
+                LRM, LTR_FMT.markBefore(EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
+        assertEquals("overall dir (but not entry dir) opposite to RTL context",
+                RLM, RTL_FMT.markBefore(HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
+        assertEquals("exit dir neutral, overall dir matches LTR context",
+                "", LTR_FMT.markBefore(".", TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
+        assertEquals("exit dir neutral, overall dir matches RTL context",
+                "", RTL_FMT.markBefore(".", TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
+    }
+    public void testUnicodeWrap() {
+        // Uniform directionality in opposite context.
+        assertEquals("uniform dir opposite to LTR context",
+                RLE + "." + HE + "." + PDF + LRM,
+                LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap("." + HE + "."));
+        assertEquals("uniform dir opposite to LTR context, stereo reset",
+                LRM + RLE + "." + HE + "." + PDF + LRM,
+                LTR_FMT.unicodeWrap("." + HE + "."));
+        assertEquals("uniform dir opposite to LTR context, stereo reset, no isolation",
+                RLE + "." + HE + "." + PDF,
+                LTR_FMT.unicodeWrap("." + HE + ".", false));
+        assertEquals("neutral treated as opposite to LTR context",
+                RLE + "." + PDF + LRM,
+                LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap(".", TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
+        assertEquals("uniform dir opposite to RTL context",
+                LRE + "." + EN + "." + PDF + RLM,
+                RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap("." + EN + "."));
+        assertEquals("uniform dir opposite to RTL context, stereo reset",
+                RLM + LRE + "." + EN + "." + PDF + RLM,
+                RTL_FMT.unicodeWrap("." + EN + "."));
+        assertEquals("uniform dir opposite to RTL context, stereo reset, no isolation",
+                LRE + "." + EN + "." + PDF,
+                RTL_FMT.unicodeWrap("." + EN + ".", false));
+        assertEquals("neutral treated as opposite to RTL context",
+                LRE + "." + PDF + RLM,
+                RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap(".", TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
+        // We test mixed-directionality cases only with an explicit overall directionality parameter
+        // because the estimation logic is outside the sphere of BidiFormatter, and different
+        // estimators will treat them differently.
+        // Overall directionality matching context, but with opposite exit directionality.
+        assertEquals("exit dir opposite to LTR context",
+                EN + HE + LRM,
+                LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap(EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
+        assertEquals("exit dir opposite to LTR context, stereo reset",
+                EN + HE + LRM,
+                LTR_FMT.unicodeWrap(EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
+        assertEquals("exit dir opposite to LTR context, stereo reset, no isolation",
+                EN + HE,
+                LTR_FMT.unicodeWrap(EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR, false));
+        assertEquals("exit dir opposite to RTL context",
+                HE + EN + RLM,
+                RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap(HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
+        assertEquals("exit dir opposite to RTL context, stereo reset",
+                HE + EN + RLM,
+                RTL_FMT.unicodeWrap(HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
+        assertEquals("exit dir opposite to RTL context, stereo reset, no isolation",
+                HE + EN,
+                RTL_FMT.unicodeWrap(HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL, false));
+        // Overall directionality matching context, but with opposite entry directionality.
+        assertEquals("entry dir opposite to LTR context",
+                HE + EN,
+                LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap(HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
+        assertEquals("entry dir opposite to LTR context, stereo reset",
+                LRM + HE + EN,
+                LTR_FMT.unicodeWrap(HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
+        assertEquals("entry dir opposite to LTR context, stereo reset, no isolation",
+                HE + EN,
+                LTR_FMT.unicodeWrap(HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR, false));
+        assertEquals("entry dir opposite to RTL context",
+                EN + HE,
+                RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap(EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
+        assertEquals("entry dir opposite to RTL context, stereo reset",
+                RLM + EN + HE,
+                RTL_FMT.unicodeWrap(EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
+        assertEquals("entry dir opposite to RTL context, stereo reset, no isolation",
+                EN + HE,
+                RTL_FMT.unicodeWrap(EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL, false));
+        // Overall directionality matching context, but with opposite entry and exit directionality.
+        assertEquals("entry and exit dir opposite to LTR context",
+                HE + EN + HE + LRM,
+                LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap(HE + EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
+        assertEquals("entry and exit dir opposite to LTR context, stereo reset",
+                LRM + HE + EN + HE + LRM,
+                LTR_FMT.unicodeWrap(HE + EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
+        assertEquals("entry and exit dir opposite to LTR context, no isolation",
+                HE + EN + HE,
+                LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap(HE + EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR, false));
+        assertEquals("entry and exit dir opposite to RTL context",
+                EN + HE + EN + RLM,
+                RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap(EN + HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
+        assertEquals("entry and exit dir opposite to RTL context, no isolation",
+                EN + HE + EN,
+                RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap(EN + HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL, false));
+        // Entry and exit directionality matching context, but with opposite overall directionality.
+        assertEquals("overall dir (but not entry or exit dir) opposite to LTR context",
+                RLE + EN + HE + EN + PDF + LRM,
+                LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap(EN + HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
+        assertEquals("overall dir (but not entry or exit dir) opposite to LTR context, stereo reset",
+                LRM + RLE + EN + HE + EN + PDF + LRM,
+                LTR_FMT.unicodeWrap(EN + HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL));
+        assertEquals("overall dir (but not entry or exit dir) opposite to LTR context, no isolation",
+                RLE + EN + HE + EN + PDF,
+                LTR_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap(EN + HE + EN, TextDirectionHeuristics.RTL, false));
+        assertEquals("overall dir (but not entry or exit dir) opposite to RTL context",
+                LRE + HE + EN + HE + PDF + RLM,
+                RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap(HE + EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
+        assertEquals("overall dir (but not entry or exit dir) opposite to RTL context, stereo reset",
+                RLM + LRE + HE + EN + HE + PDF + RLM,
+                RTL_FMT.unicodeWrap(HE + EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR));
+        assertEquals("overall dir (but not entry or exit dir) opposite to RTL context, no isolation",
+                LRE + HE + EN + HE + PDF,
+                RTL_FMT_EXIT_RESET.unicodeWrap(HE + EN + HE, TextDirectionHeuristics.LTR, false));
+    }