fix mediav2 codecdecodersurfacetests for Q

CodecDecoderSurfaceTests verifies format support before decoding in T
where it did not in Q.  Limitations in Q format parsing triggered "not
supported" failures. Remedy is to skip the format check when running on
Q before handing the content to the decoders.

Also made some failure diagnostics more helpful.

Bug: 228640632
Test: cts/mts CtsMediaV2TestCases / android.mediav2.cts.CodecDecoderSurfaceTest
Change-Id: I2677640caf7e1bd33d7a73a32a0763657a839f24
(cherry picked from commit 3a5f2f562fc0e4170375d257e4002d2774885f91)
Merged-In: I2677640caf7e1bd33d7a73a32a0763657a839f24
2 files changed