
Valid cases

APKs in this directory are used by PkgInstallSignatureVerificationTest. See that class for additional information about their use.

In general, they are differently signed forms of the tinyapp APK and follow the following naming scheme:


where some fields may not be present, but have the following meaning:

  • version: denotes which APK Signature Scheme (v1, v2, and/or v3) was used
  • signing-algorithm: indicates how the signature was generated
  • OID-params: PKI object identifiers indicating how to use the provided key to generate the signature. See, e.g. rfc3279 and rfc4055.
  • keysize: the size of the key used for signing
  • extra_info: additional notes to distinguish packages. Currently this denotes which test certificates were used to generate a proof-of-rotation object, if one exists, included in the signing block of the APK, as well as the capabilities of those certificates according to APK Signature Scheme v3.

Generation of these apks was performed using the apksigner command-line tool, which lives at tools/apksig/src/apksigner/java/com/android/apksigner/ in the android source tree. Please refer to the usage instructions there for how to sign APKs using different keystores, providers, etc.

Invalid cases

Some of the APKs in this directory were generated by modifying the apksig library (see README in tools/apksig/) to create invalid or unsupported outcomes. When possible, their usage is preceded by a description of how apksig was modified, and the commit should explicitly show how apksig was modified.