Run QuickAccessWalletClientTest in full app mode.

This test is failing when run as an instant app.
The two components that this test checks are QuickAccessWalletClient,
which is a part of SysUI, which will never be an instant app, and a
QuickAccessWalletService, which is a service exposed in a different
app, which Instant Apps can't do. So it doesn't make sense to run this
test in instant app mode.

Cherry-pick of change made in master to tm-dev.

Fixes: 218720106
Test: atest
-- --abi arm64-v8a --module-parameter instant_app

Change-Id: Ic5dcb69a8f59bc798802c76672df72430c431fdb
(cherry picked from commit 5719650efb81bd7409a69423c8b326de4af383fb)
1 file changed