Consider supported abis in the rest of CtsExtractNativeLibsHostTest.

This adds an assumption that checks the desired bit support of
the tests before running them.

Test: run cts -m CtsExtractNativeLibsHostTestCases
Cuttlefish (both 32/64 bit):
Before: 106 pass, 0 fail, 64 skip
After: 106 pass, 0 fail, 64 skip

Before: 23 pass, 30 fail, 32 skip
After: 21 pass, 0 fail, 64 skip

NOTE: There are two tests that previously passed that are now
skipped. These should have been failing and are being tracked
in a separate issue.

Bug: 186678400

Change-Id: I839f11906b54504c8653c516d523c9d4d73f278d
3 files changed