Use bp files to create key rotation test APKs

Android T introduced the v3.1 signature scheme to allow developers to
deliver a single APK to target key rotation for T+. At the time this
new version was introduced, bp files did not yet have support for
the rotationMinSdkVersion attribute that allows targeting T+ for
rotation, so the test APKs were manually created and signed using
apksigner. At the time of creation, the APKs were set with a min
and target SDK version of Tiramisu; this has worked during the
development and SDK finalization of T but fails when attempting to
install on a device where the property
only contains UpsideDownCake. This commit updates these tests to
create and install the APKs from build files to ensure the current
release used as the APK's target SDK matches that of the build.

Fixes: 235515312
Test: atest PkgInstallSignatureVerificationTest
Change-Id: Ie183618fa4cb7b3887af16ae3f6f7dfa36558493
6 files changed