3.11. Text-to-Speech

Android includes APIs that allow applications to make use of text-to-speech (TTS) services and allows service providers to provide implementations of TTS services. Device implementations reporting the feature android.hardware.audio.output MUST meet these requirements related to the Android TTS framework.

Android Automotive implementations:

  • MUST support the Android TTS framework APIs.
  • MAY support installation of third-party TTS engines. If supported, partners MUST provide a user-accessible interface that allows the user to select a TTS engine for use at system level.

All other device implementations:

  • MUST support the Android TTS framework APIs and SHOULD include a TTS engine supporting the languages available on the device. Note that the upstream Android open source software includes a full-featured TTS engine implementation.
  • MUST support installation of third-party TTS engines.
  • MUST provide a user-accessible interface that allows users to select a TTS engine for use at the system level.