7.6. Memory and Storage

7.6.1. Minimum Memory and Storage

Android Television devices MUST have at least 4GB of non-volatile storage available for application private data.

The memory available to the kernel and userspace on device implementations MUST be at least equal or larger than the minimum values specified by the following table. (See section 7.1.1 for screen size and density definitions.)

The minimum memory values MUST be in addition to any memory space already dedicated to hardware components such as radio, video, and so on that is not under the kernel’s control.

Device implementations with less than 1GiB of memory available to the kernel and userspace, unless an Android Watch, MUST return “true” for ActivityManager.isLowRamDevice().

Device implementations except Android Watch devices MUST have at least 4GB of non-volatile storage available for application private data. That is, the /data partition MUST be at least 4GB. Android Watch devices MUST have at least 1GB of non-volatile storage available for application private data.

The Android APIs include a Download Manager that applications MAY use to download data files. The device implementation of the Download Manager MUST be capable of downloading individual files of at least 100MB in size to the default “cache” location.

7.6.2. Application Shared Storage

Device implementations MUST offer shared storage for applications also often referred as “shared external storage”.

Device implementations MUST be configured with shared storage mounted by default, “out of the box”. If the shared storage is not mounted on the Linuxpath /sdcard, then the device MUST include a Linux symbolic link from /sdcard to the actual mount point.

Device implementations MAY have hardware for user-accessible removable storage, such as a Secure Digital (SD) card slot. If this slot is used to satisfy the shared storage requirement, the device implementation:

  • MUST implement a toast or pop-up user interface warning the user when there is no SD card.
  • MUST include a FAT-formatted SD card 1GB in size or larger OR show on the box and other material available at time of purchase that the SD card has to be separately purchased.
  • MUST mount the SD card by default.

Alternatively, device implementations MAY allocate internal (non-removable) storage as shared storage for apps as included in the upstream Android Open Source Project; device implementations SHOULD use this configuration and software implementation. If a device implementation uses internal (non-removable) storage to satisfy the shared storage requirement, while that storage MAY share space with the application private data, it MUST be at least 1GB in size and mounted on /sdcard (or /sdcard MUST be a symbolic link to the physical location if it is mounted elsewhere).

Device implementations MUST enforce as documented the android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission on this shared storage. Shared storage MUST otherwise be writable by any application that obtains that permission.

Device implementations that include multiple shared storage paths (such as both an SD card slot and shared internal storage) MUST allow only pre-installed & privileged Android applications with the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission to write to the secondary external storage, except when writing to their package-specific directories or within the URI returned by firing the ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE intent.

However, device implementations SHOULD expose content from both storage paths transparently through Android’s media scanner service and android.provider.MediaStore.

Regardless of the form of shared storage used, if the device implementation has a USB port with USB peripheral mode support, it MUST provide some mechanism to access the contents of shared storage from a host computer. Device implementations MAY use USB mass storage, but SHOULD use Media Transfer Protocol to satisfy this requirement. If the device implementation supports Media Transfer Protocol, it:

  • SHOULD be compatible with the reference Android MTP host, Android File Transfer.
  • SHOULD report a USB device class of 0x00.
  • SHOULD report a USB interface name of ‘MTP’.

7.6.3. Adoptable Storage

Device implementations are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to implement adoptable storage if the removable storage device port is in a long-term stable location, such as within the battery compartment or other protective cover.

Device implementations such as a television, MAY enable adoption through USB ports as the device is expected to be static and not mobile. But for other device implementations that are mobile in nature, it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to implement the adoptable storage in a long-term stable location, since accidentally disconnecting them can cause data loss/corruption.