blob: 25a7a43bec02d9616bda535bfd6633e5d3e5e81c [file] [log] [blame]
package cc
import (
func init() {
android.RegisterSingletonType("cflag_artifacts_text", cflagArtifactsTextFactory)
func cflagArtifactsTextFactory() android.Singleton {
return &cflagArtifactsText{}
var (
TrackedCFlags = []string{
TrackedCFlagsDir = []string{
// Stores output files.
type cflagArtifactsText struct {
outputs android.WritablePaths
// allowedDir verifies if the directory/project is part of the TrackedCFlagsDir
// filter.
func allowedDir(subdir string) bool {
subdir += "/"
return android.HasAnyPrefix(subdir, TrackedCFlagsDir)
// GenCFlagArtifact is used to generate the build rules which produce a file
// that contains a list of all modules using/not using a particular cflag
func (s *cflagArtifactsText) GenCFlagArtifact(ctx android.SingletonContext,
flag string, modulesUsing, modulesNotUsing []string) {
filename := "module_cflags" + flag + ".txt"
filepath := android.PathForOutput(ctx, "cflags", filename)
lines := make([]string, 0, 2+len(modulesUsing)+len(modulesNotUsing))
lines = append(lines, "# Modules using "+flag)
lines = append(lines, modulesUsing...)
lines = append(lines, "# Modules not using "+flag)
lines = append(lines, modulesNotUsing...)
android.WriteFileRule(ctx, filepath, strings.Join(lines, "\n"))
s.outputs = append(s.outputs, filepath)
func (s *cflagArtifactsText) GenerateBuildActions(ctx android.SingletonContext) {
modulesWithCFlag := make(map[string][]string)
// Scan through all modules, selecting the ones that are part of the filter,
// and then storing into a map which tracks whether or not tracked C flag is
// used or not.
ctx.VisitAllModules(func(module android.Module) {
if ccModule, ok := module.(*Module); ok {
if allowedDir(ctx.ModuleDir(ccModule)) {
cflags := ccModule.flags.Local.CFlags
cppflags := ccModule.flags.Local.CppFlags
module := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s (%s)",
for _, flag := range TrackedCFlags {
if inList(flag, cflags) || inList(flag, cppflags) {
modulesWithCFlag[flag] = append(modulesWithCFlag[flag], module)
} else {
modulesWithCFlag["!"+flag] = append(modulesWithCFlag["!"+flag], module)
// Traversing map and setting up rules to produce intermediary files which
// contain parts of each expected C Flag artifact.
for _, flag := range TrackedCFlags {
s.GenCFlagArtifact(ctx, flag, modulesWithCFlag[flag], modulesWithCFlag["!"+flag])
func (s *cflagArtifactsText) MakeVars(ctx android.MakeVarsContext) {
ctx.Strict("SOONG_MODULES_CFLAG_ARTIFACTS", strings.Join(s.outputs.Strings(), " "))