Require that NDK symbol files end with .map.txt.

We're making an NDK API Council +1 a requirment for changes to these
files, so we need to know that all symbol files will match a given
file pattern.

Test: Changed a symbol file to foo.txt, `make ndk` failed
Test: make ndk
Bug: http://b/35870541
Change-Id: I29690fb97746ad682e57845fea3f1114cfd77598
diff --git a/cc/ndk_library.go b/cc/ndk_library.go
index ba3ec7d..d801775 100644
--- a/cc/ndk_library.go
+++ b/cc/ndk_library.go
@@ -281,6 +281,10 @@
 func (c *stubDecorator) compile(ctx ModuleContext, flags Flags, deps PathDeps) Objects {
+	if !strings.HasSuffix(, ".map.txt") {
+		ctx.PropertyErrorf("symbol_file", "must end with .map.txt")
+	}
 	objs, versionScript := compileStubLibrary(ctx, flags,,, "")
 	c.versionScriptPath = versionScript
 	return objs